O Friendship !

Write about friendship can be a lot. Just as you write about it, if each person has his own concept of friendship. And how do people can be friends if they have different concepts of friendship? After all, we rarely find true friends who are similar to us on the opinions, judgments, on the philosophy of life. But it happens and friendship among such a betrayal. And as this be explained? For example, a promised and done, though he was for some reason it is difficult to make, and the other would have waved his hand and found many reasons to justify it. And at that and the other would have been the supporters and opponents.

Among the supporters of the first will be some who will arrive in the situation described above in the same way as the second. That’s interesting to me, and friendship can bored? If everything smoothly and well, maybe one of your friends want to add a fly, because there is no guarantee that another such experiment would react to a quarrel and a complete rupture. Tembolee can we consider this friendship, if one Friends of the accused and blamed the other that is not peculiar to that person. I think it just threw popolzovalsya and, if not the right thing. Can not tolerate this, this is not a need to respect, if forgiving like that. But if insulted the intimate side of the family, it is no longer a friend, you bastard, which is never a friend and did not respect! And sometimes, friends want to be praised and not hide it, and then his sin is passing you by!

Religion As A Standalone System

The fact that religion (as well as ideology – the same Marxism, and scholars such as Confucianism), possessing minds, is a huge and very real physical force, there is no reason to doubt. Undoubtedly its major impact on man and society, history, culture, life and customs. What is the mechanism of this influence? As a religion and acts as a system? Religion as a set of beliefs, rites, cults, temples, priests, etc. occurs certain conditions of social existence, at a certain level of production and the whole economic structure. The changing conditions of life (we are talking about changes of a fundamental nature) provide the corrective impact on the forms and methods of religious activity, the essence of belief and worship, the nature of religious organizations. This is normal and natural, with no changes in the lifestyle sector of ideas as it freezes at a primitive level, such as demonstrate the religious ideas of, say, the Australian Aborigines.

However, the impact of radical changes in the production of a religion is by no means straightforward and automatic. On the contrary, it is largely depends on the organizational forms and the dogmatic structure that this or that religion has developed during its early development. In practice, this means that, once it has arisen and begun to form in these conditions by certain inherent structural principles is her, this or that religion – is a very autonomous system, evolving on their own, internally deterministic laws. External influences can only stimulate change and development of religion in one way or another, to encourage her to adapt to changing circumstances. At the same time, religion can greatly modified. On the basis of old ideas, beliefs and religious forms may be new, one system may be replaced by another, more developed and adapted to changing circumstances, more aptly relevant to the needs of society.

But even in this case new religion (or modify, radically reformed the old) is governed not only by direct exposure to the outside, as its own internally deterministic laws of development. Religion as autonomous system is closely linked to ethnic and cultural tradition, and this connection, at least at first, determines the firmness of its authority. Religion is based on tradition, that is, the experience of hundreds of generations, gives its standards sacred character and to make them a stricter standard of conduct required a stereotype. A national-cultural tradition, with its powerful conservative force of inertia creates the internal stability and resilience external factors that distinguishes a religion as a system and ensure its autonomy, its internal determinism. When incorporated with their own religious ideas and institutions into a single integrated system (Religion in the broadest sense), the tradition of creating a kind of impenetrable protective armor that protects the structure from its destruction by external forces. It is in this – the reverse effect of religion on life society, the nature of culture, in the course of history.

Rio De Janeiro

In the same way that we will not find manifestation carnavalesca as that one that exists in Rio De Janeiro, in none another region, even so has carnival in the country all; in some localities the ox parties exist, but that one of Parintins is inconfundvel. Exactly when we speak in well next localities geographically and that they possess practical cultural fellow creatures, them they will be only. Example of this occurs in cities Bueno the Pepper as in Rolim de Moura (RO). In both &#039 is become fullfilled; ' parties of milho' ' but each one has its particularitities and so on, each locality can be identified by what and because it possesss elements differentiate that it of others. Therefore we can say, with Fonseca (2010, P.

115), that ' ' the Brazilian reality is diverse, plural and complex, with regional differences, varied geographies and social levels, economic and cultural distanciados.' ' But everything this is Brazil, is the national identity that characterizes one ' ' I nacional' ' Then as to understand the particularitities, the specific characteristics of each locality or each ' ' I cultural' '? Everything this is present in the folclricos elements, manifestations of the popular culture, in the gastronomia, the carried through events. But the society or the culture is not summarized to this. Also they form ' ' I cultural' ' the different social contradictions, the problems and economic relations, the conflicts and alliances politics Ahead of these characteristics ' ' outro' ' it sees these and other manifestations and it knows that this culture is different of its. E, as plus an element of the national culture, the regional differences finish turning ' ' piada' ' , as in Fonseca says to them (2010, P. 115): ' ' travelling for this Brazil, where it wants that it goes, it stops beyond the borders of its region, a miner, a gaucho, a northeastern, or a Bahian comes across with some imaginary constructions that preappraise its identidade' '.

The Best

Best friend, a true friend – it's usually the one who can lay out all their heavy thoughts, who do listen, understand and sympathize with those who will not use the information received and does not hit then in the back (women, incidentally, has always enjoyed, and if they want – they beat with all his might). In the men's and women's friendships are similar – and they both seek comfort in friends and want to be close to such a person to whom it will be possible spill all their problems. Women do this in his manner – right, just and open. Men are built of a forbidding harsh macho, but this looks even funnier. All the friendship – and a male and female – is built on the principle: "I helping you deceive yourself, and you – help me. " Ostriches, helping each other to shove his head in the sand – that's best friends. And where we are not talking about comfort and self-deception, it all comes down to bargaining – "I rescued you, and you then help me out.

" Psychologically, the adult male friends "nothing" The friendship between a man and a woman And finally, the interesting. Theme of friendship between a man and a woman becomes a field of verbal carnage with enviable regularity. All the confusion arises from the use of words that have no clear definitions. Friendship, passion, love, love – where one ends and another begins? Nobody knows it and can not know because the conditional nature of these concepts. Similarly, one can say only one – between men and women to the relationship. When these relationships are built on mutual comfort, there is sung so "clean and shining love" with sex, family, and all other things, which is the same neuroticism, as well as "true friendship". When in a relationship comforted only one, then sex is usually not, and get some sort of asexual friendship.

In the role of man turns out to be more comforted, and why in such a relationship is not sex. Weak man woman simply is not interesting. On the other hand, when there are psychologically adult men and women who do not need a mutual comfort, while between them appear strange relationship, which is very difficult to find some sort of definition. This may be a pure passion, when two bodies simply enjoy each other, or mental and spiritual closeness, when communication occurs on the soil Unity attitude. And when combined with one another, then comes the tale at all – those relationships in which man and woman become companions, fellow travelers, like-minded people in the best sense of those words. And you still friends?

Enterprise Social Responsibility

The Brazilian federal government invests to billions of Reals in assistencial attendance and this option if it reflects in the private initiative. The Enterprise Filantropia is compensatory, imediatista, adopted for individual decision, if it limits to favor parcels of segments of the population for charity and it does not require management. Young chicken (2005) affirms that the filantropia tends to generate dependence, what it reduces the quality of the social contribution of the adopted actions, whereas Social Responsibility is a world-wide trend with consequncias more complex than the assistenciais actions. The Enterprise Social Responsibility (RSE) is including and syntonized with the strategies of the company, it has principles, it requires management and persuation of as they must be the relations of the organization with its diverse public, and its purpose is the promotion to the citizenship. In the universe of the great companies of the country, Education is the public politics that more has been prioritized, in accordance with the Group of Justinian codes, Foundations and Companies (GIFE). Census GIFE 2004 registers that 87% of the associates invest in educational projects, 54%, in culture and arts, 48%, in communitarian development and 43%, social assistance. In 2008, the GIFE congregated 112 companies of great transport, what it represents less than 0,02% of the companies in Brazil, as estimative on this total number of the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA). in this ampler universe, the Brazilian empresariado one is less responsible and filantrpico. The alignment of the empresariado one with the Brazilian government, in relation to the priority of the assistencial, filantrpico, generating of dependence, not emancipador and not fomentador attendance of citizenship easily is perceived in the study on the evolution of the social action of the private companies in Brazil, published for the IPEA in 2006. The Research Social Action of the Companies is the first inquiry with comparative data in the time for the universe of the Brazilian companies formal with one or more employees, located in all regions of the country, in the capitals and the interior of the states, the participation of the enterprise sector in social activities directed toward the communities poor.

Federal Chamber

This is not in only one state! The connivent Brazilian states with the safadeza, bad caratismo, negligence, job of the money of the health in proper benefit are all, to the disembarassed roubalheiras, campaigns of! They know why? These scoundrels do not depend on stuffed hospital of poor persons to be taken care of. Up there it is a hospital with I do not know how many specialists to the disposal of those usurpers and all corja that already it left there, but it continues usufructing of the benefits and stewardships. It will be that still it is possible to believe that the health comes back to have health, if recouping to assist the Brazilian people less favored and why more or less not favored them because they pay high taxes and they exactly deduct after the retirement a good amount for the Providence, that lately is not preventing at least the attendance of emergency! That God helps in them and makes with that the representatives of the people in this great called space Brazil not they use the great destined richnesses, for the Federal Government, to the states and cities to be employed in the area of the Health they are not deviated shamefully as it comes happening it has much time! It is possible to cure the Brazilian health, is enough that our representatives create a little more than shame, do not steal in such a way, therefore exactly deviating to the pocket a good parcel it is still a great addition to apply exclusively in what it was destined: the health of the Brazilian people. As well as it is cannot be! Daqui little, the Brazilian people turns baderneiro, it leaves of being ordeiro and obedient and goes to the streets and why not to the Senate of the Republic to the Federal Chamber and where more if to make necessary e, then, will show its force and will demand that its rights are respected no matter what. Our representatives back in the high one, beyond the majority to be imcompetent people, are, some, more than half century fighting for Brazil there, only in the campaign speeches, but nothing they make of what they nail to deceive trouxas that they always continue voting and innumerable times to the wait of that in that mandate repeated the disembarassed ones make something to improve at least education, the health and the security! She is necessary to modify the Great Letter, our exceeded Constitution, benefiting only great thieves those hundreds of representatives, who only they represent itself same, the family and the parentada one! The majority already got used the illegality that finds normal to invade our islands, our areas, to apply the money of the people in proper benefit as if the totality of the Brazilian people did not understand of politics it did not have knowledge of the occured barbarities in the meetings to approve something in favor of the people, who most of the time, what it is priority is engavetado, because the majority was not present.


He is through this problematic one, that the researcher has the chance to portray in its research, the conflituosas relations that the religions had not only played and play ones with the others in Brazil, but in the world. Still in the Brazilian present time, the main enemies of the catolicismo are the espritas protestants and. In such a way, he would be excellent to argue, as for example, the common and uncommon points that the protestant denominations have with the catolicismo, espiritismo and even between same them in the country and vice versa. The after-graduation in guideline stimulates in them to carry through a research of religious matrix, not ready, made and finished, but opened for new interrogations, and the religious phenomenon does not have separately to be analyzed of the questions politics, economic and social of one determined society. In the studies centered in the religious questions, also I had access information concerning the history of the education in Brazil, therefore the history of Brazilian education cannot be separate of the religion, mainly around the catolicismo and protestantismo. They are two religious movements that had arrived if to detach in such a way in Brazil for the foundation of schools of informal and formal education. The history of the education in Brazil initiated in century XV with the Jesuits.

A traditional education is mentioned to it where the Jesuit vision of the age always faced as absolute truth in accordance with the principles of the catolicismo. This truth was on the mind of those where the same ones if had considered to educate, as for example, the aboriginals and blacks. The education of this time was on with the economic proposals and politics of the colonial period, that is, when Brazil still was colony of Portugal. From century XVII the Brazilian education was influenced by the European leaders who were educators of protestant influence. The objective age ‘ ‘ the art to teach to everything todos’ ‘.

When observing this landmark where the protestant churches and catholics had been involved with the process of education in Brazil, becomes indispensable to study the educational process of the churches of our interest of research. Being that, the implantations of religious schools catholics and protestants, as the baptists, presbiterianas, Methodists, among others, were not only for enabling people to the work market, but to convert them, as the belief of its churches. The course of after-graduation in prominence, is not only atrelado in guiding in them for the writing of the research of our interest, but if it worries in our professional qualification, thus in stimulating to deal with the new transformations that the education faced and is faced in the present time in relation to education and learning. Also, the cited course longs for to not only enable a professor, but a researcher at the same time prepared to deal with the new transformations that had occurred and occur in the religions that are gifts in the history of the humanity. The professor when assimilating all these knowledge, never must keep for itself, therefore the same it must even though pass to the pupils and to all the pertaining to school community as a great experience of success, that it deserves to be enjoyed by all those that had not yet had the chance to carry through studies centered in the religions.