More than what everything, was the time of a new dawn: the time of the Scientific Revolution, whose main exponents until then had been Nicholas Coprnico, Johannes Kepler and Galileu-Galilei. The influence of these in the workmanship of Discardings are visible. After having gotten the bacharelado one in Right, for the university of Poitiers, Discardings it was felt confused still more and it decides to dedicate itself to the weapons and is signed up, in 1618, in the troops of Maurcio de Nassau (known ours that Pernambuco governed during the dutch occupation in the Northeast region), that in the occasion it fought against the Spaniard for the freedom of Holland. For this time, it knows a young physicist and mathematician, Isaac Beeckman, stimulated that it to study physics. To the 23 years of age, Discardings were in Ulma, to the side of the troops of Maximiliano of the Baviera, when, between 10 and 11 of November of 1619, it tells to have had one ' ' revelao' ' or intellectual illumination, that would go to mark all from now on its production. In a night, after hours of reflection on all the knowledge that it had acquired until that day, it fell in a species of settle sonamblico and, then, it had a sudden flashing where it saw, or better, it perceived ' ' the foundations of a science maravilhosa' ' that it all promised to be a method for the unification of knowing and that it would develop in its production, having been crystallized, in part, its classic ' ' The Speech of the Mtodo' '. The vision of Discardings despertou in it the belief in the certainty of the scientific knowledge by means of the mathematics. The cartesian certainty is mathematical. Discardings believed, leaving of Galileu, that the key for the understanding of the universe was its mathematical structure.