
Many chronic illnesses as cancer, artrite or falciforme anemia and acute riots, as wounded, muscular burnings, distenses, sseas breakings, renais distenses ligamentares, appendicitis, calculations or one infarto of the myocardium cause pain. ' ' When somebody presents the pain doctor complaining, has, in principle, 50% of probability that this pain is psicognica, that is, a type of pain that does not depend on a tecidual injury, current or pregressa.' ' (SON, 1992, p.173). The psychological illnesses as depression and anxiety also can cause psicognica pain, as well as psychological factors also can make that the pain of a physical harm seems more or less intense. The doctor must take these questions in consideration. As to explain, for example, ' ' pain fantasma' ' relatively common in amputated patients? the capacity of the paraplgicos to feel its bodies? ' ' The sensations in the members ghost are incrivelmente ' ' reais' ' in its lived sensorial qualities and its necessary place in the space, so real that the amputated one can try to leave the bed on the foot ghost or to take care of to the telephone with the hand ghost … the underlying mechanisms of pain remains a mystery … an explanation considered that pain ghost resulted of the lack of emotional adaptation of the amputated one to the loss of the member. Another one suggested that the damaged nervous staple fibres I quote in it continued to send neural messages for the central system nervous, that were interpreted as painful stimulatons. One third explanation was that the emotional memories are stored together with the sensorial memories of the member amputado.' ' (STRAUB, Richard, 2005, p.478). We must then understand the importance of if studying the psychological aspects in all the areas related to the health of the human being being that Psychology is a science that contribute widely for the identification and treatment of upheavals that can aggravate the picture of patients with pain and others diseases being it of organic origin or not.