
He is through this problematic one, that the researcher has the chance to portray in its research, the conflituosas relations that the religions had not only played and play ones with the others in Brazil, but in the world. Still in the Brazilian present time, the main enemies of the catolicismo are the espritas protestants and. In such a way, he would be excellent to argue, as for example, the common and uncommon points that the protestant denominations have with the catolicismo, espiritismo and even between same them in the country and vice versa. The after-graduation in guideline stimulates in them to carry through a research of religious matrix, not ready, made and finished, but opened for new interrogations, and the religious phenomenon does not have separately to be analyzed of the questions politics, economic and social of one determined society. In the studies centered in the religious questions, also I had access information concerning the history of the education in Brazil, therefore the history of Brazilian education cannot be separate of the religion, mainly around the catolicismo and protestantismo. They are two religious movements that had arrived if to detach in such a way in Brazil for the foundation of schools of informal and formal education. The history of the education in Brazil initiated in century XV with the Jesuits.

A traditional education is mentioned to it where the Jesuit vision of the age always faced as absolute truth in accordance with the principles of the catolicismo. This truth was on the mind of those where the same ones if had considered to educate, as for example, the aboriginals and blacks. The education of this time was on with the economic proposals and politics of the colonial period, that is, when Brazil still was colony of Portugal. From century XVII the Brazilian education was influenced by the European leaders who were educators of protestant influence. The objective age ‘ ‘ the art to teach to everything todos’ ‘.

When observing this landmark where the protestant churches and catholics had been involved with the process of education in Brazil, becomes indispensable to study the educational process of the churches of our interest of research. Being that, the implantations of religious schools catholics and protestants, as the baptists, presbiterianas, Methodists, among others, were not only for enabling people to the work market, but to convert them, as the belief of its churches. The course of after-graduation in prominence, is not only atrelado in guiding in them for the writing of the research of our interest, but if it worries in our professional qualification, thus in stimulating to deal with the new transformations that the education faced and is faced in the present time in relation to education and learning. Also, the cited course longs for to not only enable a professor, but a researcher at the same time prepared to deal with the new transformations that had occurred and occur in the religions that are gifts in the history of the humanity. The professor when assimilating all these knowledge, never must keep for itself, therefore the same it must even though pass to the pupils and to all the pertaining to school community as a great experience of success, that it deserves to be enjoyed by all those that had not yet had the chance to carry through studies centered in the religions.