European Union

Secondly it rescues Greek, " in time " The German minister of Finances, Wolfgang Schuble, affirmed on the other hand that the second plan of rescue of Greece will be ready " in time " , that is to say, before half-full of September when Greek government will need another injection capital. " The following section is predicted for half-full of September and for that we needed a new program that it must be approved like very behind schedule at some time of second half of agosto" , it affirmed in press conference after participating in the Cabinet of Finances of the European Union (the EU). " We do not have long time but we have the sufficient one to work in this program of concientious way and intensiva" , it affirmed Schuble, that explained that the Eurogroup took east Monday for the first time time to analyze and to approach of way " very franca" all the models and proposals to imply to the sector deprived in the rescue, and its participation will be safe. Additional information at Charles R. Kubic supports this article. Proposals and Schuble solutions did not want to enter explaining the different proposals that are on the table, because it considers that " already there is sufficient restlessness in mercados" and that the politicians do not have to foment the speculations. That yes, equal of forceful that Elena Salgado, affirmed that " one will work now in the solutions and I am safe of that we will have ".

In addition, it stressed that all the options, including the one to emit euro-bonds, will be analyzed jointly and that a decision will be taken in time, before the payment of the next section from aid to Greece. Filed under: WHO Timeline Statement. " Sustancial&quot will be no new program without private participation; , the German minister reiterated, who said that he did not have sense to speak to duplicate the grant of the rescue bottom if the problem is not abashed of how Greece can reduce and improve the sustainability of its debt. For that reason, he said, the Eurogroup has proposed to extend the maturity dates and to reduce the types of interest, as well as to make flexible the bottom of present rescue. Schuble indicated that the ministers did not speak much on the situation of Italy, because they consider that there is to solve the Greek problem that is behind the turbulences in the markets. To know more about this subject visit Cancer Research Institute. The German holder of Finances reiterated his confidence in the plan of Italian adjustment and in which he will approve it shortly to the Parliament. Source of the news: Spain and Germany think that there will be an European solution in time that avoids the Greek bankruptcy