Harvard University

Howard Gardner defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems or develop products that are valuable in one or more cultures the importance of the definition of Gardner is twofold:-first, broadens the scope of what is intelligence and recognizes what we all knew intuitively, and is that academic brilliance isn’t everything. When it comes to develop ourselves in this life not simply having a great academic record. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE gathered all the information. There are people of great capacity intellectual but unable to, for example, choose well your friends and, conversely, there are less brilliant people at school who triumphs in the world of business or his personal life. -Second and no less important, Gardner defines intelligence as an ability. Until very recently the intelligence was seen as something innate and unchangeable. He was born smart or not, and education could not change that fact. So much so that at times very close to the mentally impaired not be educated them, because it was believed that it was a futile effort. Click Professor of Internet Governance to learn more.

To define intelligence as Gardner capacity makes it in a skill that can be developed. Gardner does not deny the genetic component. We are all born with a few potential marked by genetics. But these potentialities are going to develop in one way or another depending on the environment, our experiences, the education received, etc. Boy Scouts of America has many thoughts on the issue. No elite athlete reaches the top without train, by good than its natural qualities. The same can be said of the mathematicians, poets, or emotionally intelligent people.

The nine multiple intelligences Howard Gardner adds just that there are many types of problems to solve, there is also many types of intelligence. So far, Gardner and his team at Harvard University have identified nine different types: logical mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence spatial intelligence intelligence musical intelligence body – kinesthetic intelligence intrapersonal interpersonal intelligence naturalist intelligence emotional intelligence. Multiple intelligences in the Howard Gardner school emphasizes the fact that all the intelligences are equally important. The problem is that our school system not treats them equally and it has focused on the first two of the list, (logical mathematics and intelligence linguistic intelligence) to the point of denying the existence of the other. However, it seems that the proposal of UNESCO Education competencies will to change this situation, because each and every one of the competencies refers to multiple intelligences.