Rational emotive psychotherapy is one you as many therapies. Like all others it aims at improve the quality of life of people. Perhaps aspires to end the concerns and sufferings of the people. A theoretical budget sustains its fundamental structure. Part of affirm that we, the people, are not affected by the facts. We are concerned, he says, by the interpretation of facts. For example, the loss of our parents does not affect us. What affects us, says, is how we see death.
Same goes for the breakdown of the marriage with the beloved person. What hurts us is not divorce, is what we think about him. It certainly is an interesting point of view. Anyway, emotive rational therapy not been able to comply nor their promises. He has not been able to provide welfare that said initially. An essential part of the treatment was to convince people that suffered by having irrational ideas. I.e., their emotions were determined by their ideas, their thoughts.
And they were wrong. Therefore a great road of recovery opened with only correct a few ideas in the minds of the people. However; philosophical psychotherapy fails in general. The reason is that the budget, the idea of which part is a sophism. For more information see this site: PCRM. I.e., it is a falsehood, a misrepresentation of the phenomenon. Or to be more fair, a great exaggeration. Because it is true that sometimes happens that someone suffers from an absurd fear. People are sometimes uncomfortable for something that is not true. Once clarified, such dislike tends to disappear. But in the majority of cases the discomfort of the people is not due to wrong valuations. Affirm that the emotions of the people are determined by their ideas is a great exaggeration. Ideas respond in some way to the facts. And why emotional States are determined in the first instance by the reality that is truly affecting the individual. They are not merely their ideas. Such an assessment is an extreme subjectivism. Being consistent with its tenets, this therapy only focuses on changing people’s ideas. No dedicated effort to change, to improve the reality that lives the person. That is in practice that determines its statements of dissatisfaction. Therapy insists on the person to work on the reflection that has your environment. And it urged not be acting on the same environment. Not called to resolve the real problems in their lives. But in addition, the therapy aims to forget one fact. Not only does not ask about the feasibility of changing someone’s ideas. Nor does it seem to fall on account of that many times after modifying the thought of someone its negative States survive. I.e. fade supposedly generating ideas of anxiety but anguish does not disappear. And it is that these people are accustomed to feeling anxious beyond what they believe. Anxiety is independent of their ideas. Moreover, almost independent of the facts that the individual lives. Because these emotional States respond to an incorrect learning. Factor already mentioned by other types of therapies. Therefore, it’s having optimistic ideas about your reality. And before you worry about something make sure that there is really a reason. But above all, strive to change and really improve your life. If something is wrong, he recognizes that it is wrong and change it. And not merely permutations you perform in your way of thinking about the facts.