Sustainable Development Health

In such a way, if it makes urgent the ambient comprometimento through the adequate management of solid residues on the part of the health sector. Recognized fact for the sanitary authorities, the population and on the part of the scientific community. For more information see Boy Scouts of America. Thus, the contribution of alternatives that become possible to minimize the ambient and social impact is an imperative necessity for the improvement of quality of life of the populations. fulfilment of the pertinent legislation and the application of methods of management of residues is with priority strategies, as not only obligator. It is from this perspective that this article was elaborated, in order to demonstrate as simple initiatives can make possible the management of the residues of the health services.

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The Units

The units are also verified that understand the Mountain range of the Currency and Mountain range of the Serrinhas in the portion west of the city. Units of the New Group Rasp, which possesss mineradora activity, enclose great part of Itabirito and are next to the urban area. The geology of the city of Itabirito is composed for different units. How if it sees in the map, the excellent characteristics of these areas consist of the PICTURE 2.Quadro 2? Geologic-geotcnica characterization of geologic the geologic units of Itabirito.Unidades GeolgicasCaractersticas and geotcnicasProterozicoSupergrupo MinasGrupo PiracicabFormao BarreiroFilito and grafitoso filito. Difficult compacting. Average cohesion.

Permeability low. Fast superficia draining. Generally poor stability for foundations, being able to suffer expansion-contraction with the variation from the humidity. Poor, controlled slope stability for the attitude of the foliao, breakings and degree of intemperismo. Formation Latch of the argillaceous FunilFilitos dolomticos and, and marble.

Easy compacting the moderately difficult. Cohesion low the average. Average Erodibilidade. Permeability low. Fast superficial draining the moderate one. Stability stops foundations poor the moderate one, being able sofrerexpanso-contraction with the humidity variation. Rotten slope stability the good one. Ferruginoso CercadinhoQuartzito formation with filito intercalations, dolomito more rare. Very difficult compacting. Cohesion low the average. Average Erodibilidade. Permeability low the high one. Moderate superficial draining the slow one. Moderate stability for foundations the good one. Poor slope stability, which had to the intense fraturamento of the rocks. (It continues) Picture 2? Geologic-geotcnica characterization of the geologic units of Itabirito (continuation). Geologic GeolgicasCaractersticas units and geotcnicasProterozicoSupergrupo MinasGrupo ItabirFormao GandarelDolomitos associates the itabirito and filito, magnesiano calcareous rock. Declivity low the average. Very difficult compacting. High cohesion. Erodibilidade low the average. Permeability low. Fast superficial draining. Good stability for foundations. Slope stability good the very good one. Hemattico CauItabirito formation, hematite and dolomita. Difficult compacting. Average declivity. Cohesion low the high one depending on the presence of hematite, quartz and degree of alteration. Erodibilidade low the average. High permeability. Moderate superficial draining the slow one. Very good stability for foundations. Poor slope stability good, the controlled one for the altitude of the acamamento, breakings and friabilidade. Group CaraFormao MoedQuartzitos, conglomerates and filitos (ff). Sources of moderate declivity the high one. Erodibilidade low. Average permeability the high one. Moderate superficial draining the slow one. Good stability for foundations the very good one. Good slope stability the very good one in cool rocks, but plain of breaking desconfinados can cause to fall of blocos.ArqueanoSupergrupo River of the New VelhasGrupo LimUnidade Catherine Mendes, Stream of the Paina, Stream of the associated StioQuartzo,.

The Effect Greenhouse

The Effect Greenhouse is a process that occurs when umaparte of the solar radiation reflected by the terrestrial surface is absorbed pordeterminados gases gifts in the atmosphere. She is generated by the falling of trees of forests and pelaqueimada of the same ones, therefore they are who regulate the temperature, the winds and onvel of rains in diverse regions. As the forests are diminishing nomundo, the terrestrial temperature has increased in the same ratio. Nosltimos years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased annually, this increase if it must to the use of oil, tropical gas and dasflorestas coal and to the destruction. The concentration of other gases that also contribute for oEfeito of Greenhouse increased quickly.

The joint effect of taissubstncias can come to cause an increase of the temperature of the planet. If the land was not cobertapor air mantle, the atmosphere would be too much cold for the life. They would condiesseriam them hostile to the life, which of so fragile that it is, would be enough a pequenadiferena in initial conditions of its formation. Preocupadoscom these international problems, organisms, Organizations Governamentaise governments of diverse countries already are not taking measured to reduce ambient apoluio and the naatmosfera emission of gases.

Research Land

When I say ‘ ‘ ns’ ‘ I am including all without distinction: formal education, to be able public, great companies, civil society, rich countries and poor eoutros. Consideraes final Is evident, therefore, that the EA, as a educaoholstica of the citizens, it is facing great challenges in the attempt of umasubstancial transformation. For being the so complex nature, a science is impossible queapenas obtains to explain all its especificidades. What obrigaprofissionais of all the areas to be worked together, becoming the EducaoAmbiental a transversal subject, as it is treated by the PCNs. Thus being, the paper d@ profess@r as motivad@r, is to foment ideas and aesconcretas, through pedagogical practical its, of its behavior, the suasprodues and its procedure. That is standed out that the State has primordial paper in this tarefardua of improvement of the quality of the education and the applicability of the laws, that orase finds as cake prescription, not yet was made. Is to have dainiciativa private public and the sistmica boarding of the ambient questions, consequently, to prepare the citizens for the new eresponsvel ethical paradigm that the necessary humanity to ahead have of its house/land.

compassion for the land. .

United Nations

Deoutra forms, the costs of the management of residues can increase consideravelmentecom the increase of the volume. The collect and treatment of implicamcustos residues particularly raised, and the production of residues is, for definition, umaperda of recursos.' ' 1 the commitments of the governing of the most powerful naesmundiais stops with the sustainable development of the planet, assumed atravsda signature of dosdirigentes agreements and treated international and the disposal to the great corporations through the actions of responsabilidadesocial, despite they are of the biggest importance and basic for asustentabilidade of the planet, they will not be enough if it will not have polticaspublicas and commitment of the municipal governments with the efficient effective and gestodos urban residues, that when not treated adequately, they possess condode to transform our cities into true lixes the opened sky, as queest happening in Naples in Italy: The authorities of Naples had started in the friday to aenviar garbage mountains for other parts of Italy, what it generated conflitosfora of the region of the Campnia, for the first time since the beginning of the crisis of the garbage, weeks behind. The inhabitants of the island of the Sardinia had entered in shock compoliciais when a loaded ship with garbage arrived of Naples, in the night dequinta-fair. The Sardinia was the first region to receive part from about 100mil accumulated tons of garbage in the area Naples. The concern and the brainstorming for the partner-ambient confrontation dosproblemas caused by 2 the human development temsido constant enters the controllers of developed countries or emdesenvolvimento, exactly that the first ones reveal not worried about industrial apoluio, the scarcity of energy resources, the decay of suascidades and other decurrent problems of its processes of development eos seconds, with the poverty and the questioning of the validity of same desenvolvimentonos molds that the first ones. This concern with ambient problems and its dimensoque is planetary and local or not only national it was that it took the dSucia government to carry through, in 1972, the Conference of United Nations on the Half AmbienteHumano, in Estocolmo, where developed and not developed countries had been evidenced the differences of entreos interests. Passed 36 years of the accomplishment of the Conference of the NaesUnidas on the Environment, and of others as many important eventosambientalistas as the ECO-92 carried through in Rio De Janeiro, of the signature deacordos and treated international in defense to the environment as it is the doTratado case of Kioto, are in the example of what it is occurring in Npolis in Italy, queencontramos subsidy to call the attention for essential importnciaque if it must give to the management of the urban residues, therefore case the opposite, nossolegado for the future ones generations, the sky will be an immense dump total abertoem a planet degraded by the indifference and the most absolute lack ambient deconscincia. 1 2 the definition of development human, for effect of this article, consideratodo and any process that of one forms oude another one, either understood as responsible for the development promotion, independentedo segment where it occurs..