Hoveler + Nagy identified savings with the purchase of operating festivals, trade fairs, meetings and similar events many companies regularly carry out major events for its employees, investors and (not yet-) customers. In most companies, there is however no Department for the purchase of events. The savings, which often still rest are correspondingly large. “Against this background, Hoveler management consultancy specializing in the purchasing management has + Nold Consulting GmbH (HNC), Dusseldorf, a new range of services events buy a price value” developed. Boy Scouts of America shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This aims to develop strategies to optimize the purchasing of events regardless of whether it is annual general meeting or press conferences, dealer – field staff days, exhibition or Conference appearances, employee meetings or corporate parties with the managers in the company. The target can both be spending to cut, as well as from the existing budget more to get out”, such as HNC – CEO Dr.
Bernhard Hoveler stressed. Determine the HNC experts for selected events at the shopping check: who what of whom at what price in what quantity purchases? Because often there are several users in the company such as marketing, sales and corporate communications, shopping independently event-related services. Therefore, the purchasing volume is unknown. Also how to spread the costs on such trades such as catering, technology and creative services in detail, no one knows. This is not apparent in part also from the Bills. Therefore the HNC experts in a second step in the dialogue with the responsible departments and the shopping order line items the different branches of a procurement group tree”Microspots trades to. Won as an overview of the volume of purchase and the apportionment of costs for the selected events, meet with representatives of the Department of procurement experts of HNC and Buyers of the events at a workshop.
In it they determine what concrete savings exist and how this can be achieved together. For example, through a restructuring of supplier relations, aimed at not more of all trades from the planning up to the set design for a full service provider”to buy. Or through the establishment of agencies – and supplier pool, so that a wide call for tender can be. In addition to the external price benchmarking, often also an internal review of rates paves the way for savings according to Hoveler. Because often the departments buy similar event services at different prices. Achieve through internal price comparisons quick wins can often”. A further lever can be if the company would not even buy the trades, to transfer this task of the Agency. This coordination agency’ then acts as a trustee for the purchasing company. The feasibility of this solution is tested in the workshop. Created after the workshop Hoveler + Nagy a documentation, in addition to the savings potential for selected events also the paths are pointed out, to realize this. If desired shopping specialists of HNC, the company also help implement the measures defined. For more information about the range of services events price value buy”get interested companies.