
To resign to the Forbidden Knowledge. These Knowledge take the contamination of the soul: ' ' You do not direct yourselves to the espritas nor to the adivinhos: you do not consult them, so that you are not contaminated by them. I am you, your Deus.' ' Lv. 19:31 All the Knowledge of the New Age had been inspired by espritos that populate air, are the angels who if had rebelled against God and that they form the Powers. ' ' I coated you of all the armor of God, to be able to be firm against the ambushes of the devil; because our fight is not against the blood and the meat (a person, a human being), and yes against the principalities and powers, the dominadores of this tenebrous world, against the forces spirituals of the evil, in the regions celestes.' ' Efsios 6:11 – 12 the Principality, Potestades and Dominadores form the Hierarchy spiritual of the Satan, the Fallen Angel. The devil is great the responsible one for the evil that affects the humanity. In its hatred imensurvel, it provokes illnesses, misery, vices, disasters, wars, homicides, prostitution, adultery, magnificent, critical, pride, vanity and many other harmful things to the relationship between the humanity and God.

To fulfill its objectives, it has lain, tries, is deceptive, seduces and accuses, with requintes of perversity. One of the phrases that better they describe the enemy is in the first letter of Peter, where it is identified as a lion to the watch of its hunting: ' ' Headquarters sober and vigilant. The devil, your adversary, walks in around; as a lion that ruge looking somebody for devorar.' ' 1 Peter 5,8 the Word says that it even transfers itself for Angel of Light. It can changed itself into any thing that wants. He dominates the art of the materialization and forms.

Product Tracking

Guarantee for quality, efficiency and safety in the production of mailing that control, supervision, tracking are quite ambivalent terms has long been a truism. When it comes to all-round monitoring but, the hackles resist each probably instinctively. -Not for nothing is one of “Big Brother is watching you” from George Orwell’s masterpiece “1984” the most widely used quote classics… Letter shop customers have absolutely no problem with control, monitoring and tracking. On the contrary, that in a sense an electronic Anklet is created the mailings commissioned by them, it inspires total. Please visit PCRM if you seek more information. Because if the letter shop of your confidence guaranteed the detailed product tracking, this complete monitoring of the entire workflow offers the guarantee that all elements of the mailings – process correctly personalize up to the envelope.

A great advantage: The principal of the mailings can intervene directly in the production process, by, for example, deciding to proceed as with incorrect addresses is. In such a case, there is namely the ability to produce the mailing or to send a follow-up mailing. Boy Scouts insists that this is the case. When it comes to ensuring the quality of the mail items in its entirety, to high requirements and short delivery times, product tracking as an incorruptible control instrument is therefore essential. ield. The ‘why’ should be clear, therefore equal to the ‘how to’: for the system run the machine-readable data printed on all components of the mailer be cameras automatically captured and transmitted to PC controller for evaluation. Which is made possible exact Kameraabgleich by a continuous numbering system using code numbers as well as a bar – or data matrix code. Unlike the sequence numbering can bar and data matrix code sensitive customer information secure, and decrypt, can be used also for the evaluation of the response.

The exact Kameraabgleich allows the lettershop specialists very soon to recognize production-related failures. The mailing customer receives upon request for information about such disturbance a detailed packet protocol. Important to know: this is not a problem also for externally processed, i.e. personalized by contractors and provided mailing orders for the lettershop team. In any case, an inserting operation can be logged consistently use correctly eingetakteten in the letter shop product tracking for example. For demanding clients and solution-oriented active lettershops, who both rely on highest quality, efficiency and safety, the persecution of the product in the production of intelligent and successful mailings counts for a fixed therefore. That professionalism and absolute reliability are indispensable requirements for this purpose, it of course.

Colonial Facades

Colonial civilization was built on the ruins of the indigenous peoples, while the situation of art in the Iberian Peninsula is looking for new ways. Examples of Gothic architecture in Latin America are rare, and show the result of the influences of the Renaissance of the sixteenth century. In Mexico, the fortified churches are the type of vessel and polygonal vaults or barrel, and a sub-principales. The courts have chapels of the Indians. The revitalization is set in the late 16th century colonial facade. Produced in Mexico, influenced by Arabic examples Toledo.

The most important colonial Baroque architecture in the Iberian peninsula, and is essentially decorative. Mexico and Peru are the two main centers of the Hispanic Baroque. Mexican Baroque handle materials such as stone in different colors and exuberant polychrome plaster to create temples, both inside and outside. The dome becomes important, and is built on top of a drum. The colonial facade of the 17TH century, the convents and monasteries, built under the Hispanics, the nave and parallel to the front of the street. In Peru, the colonial facade differs between regions, the Andes and the coast, and also for materials and climate.

Lightweight materials are used as adobe brick. Vaults and domes are made of straw. This, on the coast. But the stone is used in the Andean region. It is also decorative. Colonial, neoclassical facade is a school that is firmly rooted in Latin America. The neo-classical, a return to the classical models and the Greco-Roman. El Reino de Leon colonial facades and their blessed. In principle erat verbum ‘ our Cuba: history Gregory Franklin Figueroa Elizondo Chapels M.

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