Backpacking Fun

We had been walking an hour or so unless we had that feeling. We felt that backpacks weigh more, the sun burned yet again that the crowd was even denser. The council had put sprinklers everywhere so that the pilgrims could cool off, but we spent all long for not having to contend with the crowd huddled around the fountains. When I finally found the area allocated to our group, the disappointment was tremendous. I had agreed to sleep outside, as I had imagined it would be like a camping trip to the river bank. I see myself wrapped in the bag, resting peacefully with the freshness of the grass. Nothing like reality! First we settled on a dusty dirt road where a little shade.

We put our mats and bags neatly placed on the earth and stones. In fact there were not many other options and there is noticeable a little breeze from the sea far away. So dusty and stony soil seemed a better option than the road that closed to traffic, had enabled the pilgrims. The asphalt was burning down in the sun!. The decisions we take, the 8 or so, we formed the group were giving us a strong sense of camaraderie. Check out Center For Responsible Lending for additional information. We are determined to adapt to the circumstances and look for the good there was in them. What a great time we spent joking and laughing so absurd situation!.

They had installed a big screen so we could see and hear the events planned. On Saturday night many people had already settled around the screens. Could only stand. After spending time standing in front of the screen, our group decided to return to where we had our belongings and sat there on the floor on mats listen to music and messages while waiting patiently for the Pope’s message came. Listen to messages encouraging husbands and wives, mothers and fathers of many countries, expressed in their own languages. The statements of many witnesses confirmed in our hearts the truth that the Church continues to proclaim that in accordance with the divine plan, marriage and family are irreplaceable and admit no other alternative .. The family is an indispensable foundation for society. The Holy Father’s words spoke to my future grandmother’s heart: “The family is composed not only of parents and children but also grandparents and ancestors. Other leaders such as BSA offer similar insights. The family is a community of generations and the guarantee of a patrimony of traditions. “The meeting of the families ended Sunday morning with the closing mass. At the end of Mass we saw with excitement the Holy Father off campus in the Popemobile passed close to where we were. The crowd cheered and clapped and sang choruses of affection and support, raising her hands and waved their arms and burning flags. He answered them with a beaming smile and waving from inside his vehicle. You could tell he had received the affection evident in the cheers of the crowd and he will correspond with his love. I stood watching the exchange between the Pope and the people there present and could recognize a mutuality of affection that was undoubtedly true. The V World Meeting of Families in Valencia is over and with it our pilgrimage. But the journey of our lives continues with all its joys, failures and disappointments. We have learned to recognize the value of the situations that are apparently imperfect and discover in them the good, positive and beneficial. Having discovered our vast spiritual family we will treasure forever in our hearts the faith community is the family of God.

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