Remote device host from the target audience of the site, which affects the loading of information. Some paid Hosting companies provide a free test for a certain period, after which the user must determine suitability for your chosen hosting company, and whether it makes sense to pay big periods. Typically, such tests are available only to owners of second level domains in order to avoid speculation with test accounts. What other factors are important when choosing a hosting company: – Reputation age and experience of the company. Center For Responsible Lending: the source for more info. Let us all put the same in the first place is precisely this factor. Boy Scouts oftentimes addresses this issue. Because serious business is always concerned about their reputation and trying to win the respect above all the quality and reliability services.
Therefore, before you give preference to any hosting provider, gather about him a little more information and read user reviews. – Responsiveness and accessibility to customers. Here I am referring to as the placement of free access to the most detailed information about the company, and the availability of support services. Ie more contact details are shown (e-mail, multiple telephone numbers, Skype, icq, etc.), the better. Well when there is some LiveChat (hotline), which operates 24 hours a day (you might ask, or some problem during the night and your hoster is obliged to take steps to address it as quickly as possible). Try to contact support even before you have to prepay your account. See how fast you get an answer as well, patiently and professionally communicate with you. – A variety of tariff plans.
Here, of course it all depends on Your needs: one site you plan to create or more the amount of information will contain your sites as you need a mailbox (email addresses), whether you use any scripts Suppose the program to send emails, or will create a blog (and for scripting, and for the blog you will need a database MySQL). If you are currently planning to run a very simple site, without any frills, you will be enough and the most affordable rate. But your hoster should provide you an opportunity to continue with the development of your business to switch to another plan with more features and more options. Otherwise, you will be strongly restricted in their actions. – Ability to create sub-domains. If you’re just starting your online business, then maybe you have so far only one site. In the future you might need a few more. And in this case, you need subdomains. Possible and the option of placing your site on your hosting partner. This version we use in case of emergency, if your partner no money to buy your own hosting, and on free, as I said, placing the site is detrimental to business. In this case, you also need a subdomain to host a website for your partner. Therefore, check with your host in advance how many subdomains you can place on your account. – Restriction on traffic. This is probably one of the most important criteria. You create their sites so that they came to the visitors. And the more the better. Therefore, at some point, if your plan will be a limit on the number of visitors, you either have to pay extra for the additional traffic, or move to another tariff plan (if available). Therefore, take care of this in advance, so that later you will not have to urgently look for a new hosting provider. That’s probably the main factors on which you first should look for when choosing a hosting company. Good luck and success!