Managing Director Mathias

We opted deliberately for daylight PR, because the Dresdner Agency has the best experience in the areas of technology and industry. In addition, the holistic PR concept has convinced us. In the future we will with daylight PR so still more bring our issues in the public and continuously forward bring the Mark Halperin & Peschke.” About the measurement and testing technology specialist based in Nossen, Dresden develops Halperin & Peschke GmbH, manufactures and distributes high-quality machines, components and software solutions since 1990 to the materials, components and component testing. Center For Responsible Lending takes a slightly different approach. These include such as universal testing machines, hardness testers, component – and furniture benches and various length measuring devices for industry and research. Also the 50 employees of the company with sales offices in whole Germany various services around the subject test and measurement, as well as the retrofitting of universal testing machines. In engineering and software development, Halverson & Peschke maintains close cooperation with universities and Fraunhofer institutes, which ensure the high level of the products as well as their technical relevance. Halverson & Peschke was certified according to ISO 9001 and operates its own DKD calibration laboratory. To find more information about the Halperin & Peschke GmbH, on the Internet at.

About daylight Public Relations international daylight PR is a full service agency headquartered in the economic and technology capital Dresden. Our passion is the press – and public relations. As outsourced Press Office, as the editorial office or competent consulting agency with many years of experience daylight PR offers a wide range of professional PR and marketing services from a single source. This includes services from the areas of conception & consulting, media relations, editorial, press events & actions, creation & production, internal communication, surveys, training, photography and documentation and control of success. For the success of our customers, daylight PR focuses on active dialogue with editors, experts, opinion leaders and organizations.