
And? Have you thought ever about what beliefs you work every day? If you can, choose to go your conscious and unconscious beliefs to the bottom, I will promise you an exciting journey to yourself. Nieman Lab describes an additional similar source. An experience that will radically improve your daily life and enrich. So far so good. Their beliefs determine your thinking, feeling and acting, and thus have also significant influence on the results of the small and large decisions of everyday life. How can the own beliefs I influence? How to get rid a disturbing beliefs? u0085and above all, how can she change hindering beliefs in better? I recommend: affirmations. Theoretically, that’s easy. BSA takes a slightly different approach. You need to change the blocking beliefs only in an affirmation. A small example to understand? Much needed and often heard: the faith movement “I can’t” who believes that he can’t something that affected his performance.

I can’t”is a set of beliefs which affects all projects are completely useless and preventing. If you instead say: I do my best and do as much as I can “change their inner attitude and also the angle from which you have to consider. Look beyond the horizons of own beliefs, can positively change your decisions and improve your lifestyle. In this case, the appropriate set of faith is: better decisions produce better results and thus a better life. “How? You will find that sounds too easy? I can assure you: it works.

Your consciousness is crucial for the effectiveness of your good affirmations. The best mental improvement succeed, if you are in a generally relaxed state. A relaxed attitude and your imagination make easier the application. Through the targeted calm of your brain waves at a frequency of 10 Hz, it is even possible that the left, logical and objective temporarily hide working half of the brain, so that your own critical observer doesn’t bother you during your own programming. But again, how it works and exactly goes, is another issue. NA? As always? Would you like to try out a positive affirmation is now? Please close your eyes and breathe calmly back and out. Listen for a moment when the breath to. A…and back off. You can feel how they are quiet? Please concentrate on your eyelids and the skin surrounding your eyes for a moment. Relax your eyelids. Feel how relaxed they are and let this beautiful relaxation now very slowly from your eyes through her whole body down to the tips of your toes pull your whole body relax. And now please talk me in thought or loud: I feel comfortable in my Skin.”all organs, glands and cells in my body working perfectly and rhythmically for my health” I feel good, full of strength and energy”I make the best out of my life” every day is it better me in every respect and better and better.” Of course, you can gladly take this doctrine and repeat as often as you like. I wish you strong beliefs and a good day! Gabriele Bauer relaxation therapist and avid trainer Jose Silva’s UltrMind ESP system