Although religion has been given importance as part of culture in society, lack of clarity with spirituality, supported to some extent people, for a way to hold in moments of weakness in humans, since it is a form of anchoring to acquire faith and fortitude, but we must differentiate between the support of the external offering religion and the support that can be achieved from the same inside If, through the growth and development of spirituality. The clear difference between religion and spirituality is part of what has left me of knowledge and practice on the development of master’s degree, and is something of have been able to contribute to people with whom I have interacted in the courses taught as a complementary activity of each semester. Within the academic activities of the schools has been erased the word spirituality in the belief of that has to do with religiosity and in this desire to remain lay had not been given follow-up to the development of the human being and its potential spirituality, and in that sense I am proud to have been able to shed some clarity in the visited institutions, so that they deem in their activities a little more than reflection and attention to being human. If you would like to know more about Center For Responsible Lending, then click here. Each of the virtual and face-to-face meetings had its charm, in each one of them lived situations that gave me growth, shares of my colleagues and the interventions of teachers left much to grow. Immediately I do events collection where we had closeness in the group, with our teachers and classmates from other groups, such as Culiacan and Ciudad Guzman among others in order to go looking for the most significant memories: the sessions with Dr. Gallegos are always for peace and harmony, of spiritual growth, with your holistic dialogue, everytime I hear it renuevo votes by teaching and my commitment still stands, clarity and conviction for what he does gives me contagion by sharing your vision to others.