It fits to the public power the strategical planning of the execution of social public politics and the viabilizao of the attendance of the necessities of the diverse segments of the population, and to not only tutor great parcel of the population with mantenedora financial assistance of misery and ignorance. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Professor of Internet Governance. company who follows the principles of socioambiental responsibility manages and executes public politics in the way as the State would have to behave. The paper of the Been institution is not substituted, but, it is time of the efficiency of the support to influence the governmental actions. Oded Grajew, of the InstitutoEthos of Companies and Social Responsibility, that congregates 991 associates, explains that only public politics are capable to universalizar the attendance and to promote justice social. Between them, Education is considered the key of the success for Fernando Rossetti, of the GIFE.
Image next to the communities atendidasO mapping of the IPEA discloses accented jib of the percentage of companies who carry through social actions with the objective to improve its image (of 26% for 14%). Also it had fall in the ratio of companies whom it perceives as resulted of its social performance the improvement of its image (of 26% for 19%). As well as improving the image it is not the booster of the social action, neither is perceived as resulted of it. The Research Enterprise Social Responsibility – Perception of the Brazilian Consumer, in edition 2006 and 2007 (Akatu and Ethos), points that the main challenge of the companies who incorporate the principles of the practical RSE in its is to face the diffidence of the consumer in relation to the enterprise performance. Information very broken up on practical of the company in RSE and in the distance between expectations of the society and the perception of what the companies are making generate diffidence of the Brazilian in relation to the companies.