Many users would not know that to do if they did not have them. The extensions offer aid of all type, we see some examples beginning by most homemade, like for example bajarte that video that you are seeing just by press a button will go to the hard disk, is no video that resists; or for example you can publish your blog on the march with a complete publisher of blog that Integra in the navigator so that you can publish easily in your blog. Here, Center For Responsible Lending expresses very clear opinions on the subject. But also very professional extensions exist, we see another example; the Webmasters knows very well several extensions that help him to improve the positioning, the visits and the gains of the pages and blog that manages. The list of complements would be interminable, so we will only show the listing to you of the categories in which they are grouped: Administration of unloadings Alertas and updates Appearance Attendance of language Barras of tools Development Web Photos, music and videos Marking Eyelashes Plugins r Privacy and security RSS, the news and blog Society and communication Others Recopilatorios P ersonas NEW! Dictionaries and packages of language Tools search Subjects Certainly you would find extensions that were to you of utility, so in next articles it would be good for commenting something on the most popular extensions. Rafael Neat Alcaraz of: Original author and source of the article.