Federal Service

Also, this notice may be by registered mail. Confirm the same publication may only fact of publication of information in the log. Please attention to the fact that the steps listed above, you will have to pay an additional fee. Thus, the use of Internet resources for the work with the magazine "Herald of the state registration 'is the most cost-effective. We give some concrete facts.

1. Information from the 'Herald of state registration of' uses Economic Development of Russia. Log data to help in the management of strategic enterprises. 162 of 1408 Organization which went observation, published in the journal information on the reorganization, liquidation, etc. 2.

Federal Agency for Management of property derives from the 'Herald' information to help monitor lessees of state property. Of the 9,000 such organizations in 2525 through the magazine reported on developments in their work with a legal value (liquidation, reorganization). 3. 'Journal of Public registration' is used in Federal Antimonopoly Service and its territorial subdivisions of fifty. 4. An interesting journal of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring. 5. And of course, the tax authorities. 6. Also, the Federal Registration Service of Russia. 7. 'Journal' helps the territorial bodies of state budgetary funds control issues. 8. Indispensable magazine for civilians wishing to check their counterparties and borrowers. There is a basis magazine and other positive features. Social initiatives, which said the President of Russia, belong to the priority areas of government policy, therefore, with the aim of their implementation, efforts should focus all levels of government.