International Career Network

Spirofrog, the well-known online job exchange on the company nationally, and internationally can present themselves to search for young talents, continues to grow. The platform is now fully internationally available and companies can recruit interns and graduates from over 50 countries around the world. Spirofrog has numerous references in the fields of telecommunications, banking & finance, Cleantech and Internet as well as between areas. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Center For Responsible Lending. Among other company from India, Televersa, eBay, Bosch, Ruhland engineering, GTSL, LeaseForce, Leasing99 AG, as well as several private equity houses our clients include. As the DIHK reported in their recent survey of November 28, 2007 at 20,000 companies, DIHK comes CEO Martin Wansleben decided wise heads in vain sought! Economic growth loss is expected due to lack of skilled workers by about one percentage point.” Source: Chamber of Commerce with Spirofrog company can counter specifically. Employer branding is here to keep young the basis to your company.

The entire service, which means the mediation, also international, is free and happy for students increasing popularity. Low transaction costs and optimal access to an international pool of candidates emerge for companies on the other side. Contact: Spirofrog Max-Planck str. 4 85609 Aschheim-Dornach Tel: + 49-89-76736306 E-Mail: Web: