Federal Commission

But the above does not exhaust all the scope of the sector of ICT in Mexico. The sector still has interesting areas to exploit such as electronic commerce. BSA helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. According to the National Institute of statistics and geography (INEGI), only 7.8% of Mexican Internet users perform online transactions. The ICT sector offers a high potential for development in Mexico. Already several domestic and foreign companies have realized this and are evaluating important investment plans. The Calderon government for its part, is conducting deep transformations in the telecommunications area, such as the opening of a telecommunications network of last generation (the 3 G technologies), through the optical fiber of the Federal Commission of electricity and the bidding process of the dark fiber of the same government agency.

The Mexican Government intends to also generate more competition in the mobile telephony segment. The Government had launched the sector development plans. One of them was the programme of development of the industry of software released for the 2001-2006 period which still in force and aims to achieve an annual production of software by a value of US $5 billion, making Mexico the leading Latin American country in the sector. Thus Mexico combines several factors for a favourable development of the ICT sector: an important and demand growing, advantages in terms of cost and skilled labor for the sector, and a public sector willing to support the development and expansion of the same. Among companies that are developing expansion plans to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the sector, is America Movil (BMV: AMX, NYSE: AMX, NASDAQ: AMOV), the regional giant’s cellphone from Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who considers that in two or three years the Mobile Internet business will represent a fourth part of their income and for this reason it organizes your business around that goal plan. The TICs in Mexico sector promises a great development and evolution with a constant change in the size and composition of its members do great players that will emerge in the sector who will be Mexican ICT?


In the last year 100milhes of tons of grains they had been used for biocombustveis, with subsidies in some pases.' ' ' ' The financial speculation in Stock markets of futures markets, where agriculturists are defined the prices of commodities. Deep the speculative ones exist, but they are profiting from the chance. If it did not have this chance, deep the speculative ones would not earn what they are having agora.' ' We know that the increase of foods does not have an only cause, however, exactly with ' ' fumaa' ' that ' ' embaa' ' the scene of the crisis, we enxergamos that the same one does not consist of the lack of food in itself. The FAO in them points ' ' culpados' ' of the crisis. The climatic changes only, the point of the alimentary crisis to be of a world-wide scale would not be capable to deplete the world-wide food supply. The Insumos agricultural, in fact had had significant increase, about 50%, as ' ' reflexo' ' of the power technician of the current geopolitics, that concentrates in the hand of companies techniques and resources, that in contrast of what it expected with the stroke of a bell Green revolution of the decade of 60, as we see, does not come much less contributing in fact with the crisis with the Hunger. The increase of the food consumption if justifies in data, really bigger number of people, mainly Chinese and Indian they are if feeding better, however the number of hungry in the world still they are 860 million, and such component not if it justifies when in the other hemisphere, the fight of the populations that live there is against the cholesterol and the worse obesidade and, they use food as generating source of biocombustvel, as the case of the maize in U.S.A., beyond great part of the world-wide production of grains to be destined to the ration animal.

Throwaway Mentality

Manufacture of food products with actual consumption Cologne synchronize individual and wholesale, food industry and producers, November 12, 2010 – currently media reports are piling up with statistical data on the quantities of discarded food, which literally cause stomach pain every man. There is a year per person, of Germany more than 10 million tons per year of 250 kilograms. More than half of our food ends up in the trash. Most already on the way from the farm to the dinner table, before it reaches us consumers at all”, according to an ARD report by Valentin Thurn. Silke Schwartau says may have many people forgotten, how valuable foods are actually”, by the Hamburg-based consumer advice centre in an interview with the Hamburger Abendblatt. It is important to develop more appreciation here again.

Schwartau next: it’s just a disaster that each year per person 250 pounds of food are thrown away. This is clearly too much, especially when you consider that worldwide suffer some 900 million people hungry. In relation to we are far too spoiled”. Also the demands on food retailers seem to distort more and more: supermarkets throughout the whole range of products offered. And of course everything must look always perfect at any time.

A crack in the potato or a dent in the Apple and already the product is sorted out. “No wonder that is the supermarkets all sorts of tricks” a drop, to satisfy this distorted standards. “Silke Schwartau exposed supermarket in her book caution: how we are being cheated” these alleged cheating. Rejuvenated meat or vegetables refreshed by green light include the best known probably by red light. But this is only half the truth. According to statistical data of the EHI retail Institute breakage and spoilage in the German grocery trade only with an average of 1.06 percent of net sales record hit. The ERP system of the company had become so sophisticated that the goods supply always better on the actual consumer demand would adjust. High inventory spoilage risk products would be avoided by shorter ordering rhythms and smaller quantities. Also on the fresh counters at the supermarket Matthias be linked in real-time dialogue with the Central merchandise management, explains now in many companies PC scales Harsch, a spokesman of the Executive Board of the Baden-Wurttemberg Systemlosers Bizerba. The scales provide exact sales figures of each product that can be statistically evaluated with the appropriate goods management software headquarters. A product is out of stock, in the foreseeable staff can promptly respond and purchase it. “A product is sold, however, poorly and therefore approaching the border of freshness, so it can be sold simply as special offer”. The goods-economic optimization this long goes beyond the boundaries of individual companies. Retail, wholesale, food industry and producers network and ensure, together to synchronize the food production largely with the actual consumption. Significantly increased have, according to the EHI Institute, in recent years the cooperation of food trade in the panels.

CREAM-partner Request Powerful Container Terminal For Sofia

Declaration on the improvement of intermodal transport in Hannover/Sofia Bulgaria. The operating in Bulgaria partners of the EU research project CREAM (customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating models) and other important actors in the transport market have expressed in a declaration for the improvement of intermodal transport in Bulgaria. These underline the need to strengthen the rail in South-Eastern Europe. The Declaration was now submitted to the Bulgarian Government. A leading source for info: Nieman Lab. Through the enlargement of the EU, Bulgaria is stronger as previously an important focal point. The freight corridors have experienced an enormous upswing by induced dynamic economic development until after Greece and Turkey. As soon as the global economic crisis has been overcome, again high growth rates are expected. Currently there is only an outdated container hub in Sofia, who can not cope with the rising demand.

The lack of infrastructure prevents an optimal use of the Pan-European Corridors 4, 8 and 10. Here, the sites in Budapest and Belgrade so far represent the last major transport hubs in direction South-East Europe. The share of intermodal transport is to be increased by improving conditions. To deepen your understanding BSA is the source. A special attention is that effective structures be created for the terminal expansion and operation and a powerful container transhipment terminal is set up in the region of Sofia. With the expansion of the Terminal in Sofia, the situation of international freight transport would improve enormously. Not only the site of Sofia will become more attractive through the integration, also the track itself can score with shorter transport times and improved quality for themselves. About CREAM in the EU research project CREAM 26 partners from 12 countries are involved including railway companies, the International Union of railways UIC, operators, research institutes and consulting firms. CREAM’ stands for customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating Models’: in this research project, customer-oriented solutions are to be developed to shift freight onto the rail. The HCon engineering company and the consultancy KombiConsult coordinate the project. More information: HCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Lister Strasse 15 30163 Hannover Telephone: (05 11) 33 69 9-0,

The Age

Now what concerns the visits with the children. Now many taxi companies, there is an order of children can be transported in a taxi, only if the machine is equipped for this purpose. Children under the age of twelve, can be transported in vehicles equipped with seat belts safety and availability, special restraints intended for children. These devices must meet height and weight of the child. Well, in addition to this, I want to say that if you're going somewhere, ride, taxi, and take with you baby, do not leave him alone in the back seat.

Sit down next to him, in case of emergency situations that occur on the roads, you will be next, that can prevent unpleasant or even dangerous consequences. And finally I want to remind about your rights as a customer a taxi. – If you make a preliminary application in the service of taxi, then you have the right to choose the most convenient for you vehicle in accordance with the terms services, the chosen company. – When the taxi arrived, the moment of landing, you can also get acquainted with the fees and the cost of the upcoming trip, and if you have any doubts you will need to confirmation from the operator cab. – You can ask the driver not to smoke in the cabin, turn down the volume of audio or car, if you have what it causes any discomfort.

– You can request a stop in the desired place, but do not forget that unplanned stop paid, in accordance with the tariffs. – If you expect somewhere, then you can contact the driver to the dispatcher, and he in turn notifies welcoming you, on time and place of arrival. – You can ask the taxi dispatching service, wake you up if you have to ride in aroport or at the station. – You pay only the cost of the trip, which he called the dispatcher, in the case when you have to take more than a specified amount, and the driver is not how it is explained, then contact the control room and you will return the money taken in excess of the norm. Using these rules, you will avoid many unpleasant moments that can occur. Successful and comfortable you travel in a taxi!

Market Research Portal

Relaunch of the platform, which makes it possible to sign up for several institutes. Participation in surveys is one of the most popular perks on the Internet. Using it is this possible to test their product development. Manufacturers are developing offers, possibly aimed at the needs of the market by at high cost. Quickly shoot the losses in the millions then.

For this reason, money is also invested in market research. Specialized institutions take over the definition of segmentation and target group analysis, create meaningful questionnaires and put together as a representative cross section of potential customers. The Web has proved most effective method, conduct surveys. Several thousand users of all ages are to be found here. With a small bonus for the work experience on the Internet found volunteers, which are already helping the manufacturers and to participate in paid surveys. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Neal Barnard. Optimize the earnings so like to the user surveys participates – in the However, only about one or two potential forms of participation are average per week. Also, the option consists of an ongoing survey to be unloaded.

The pay is often between 2-3 euro per successfully completed survey with an estimated time of approximately 20 minutes. Who wants to earn by completing online surveys so, must register at several portals, to have a decent pocket money together at the end of the month. This problem has recognized survey comparison. Users who register here have the possibility to register on multiple portals at the same time. Spared the laborious search for reputable portals. In addition, that can be captured at a glance, how much the company per survey offers and which payment is expected. Survey comparison is a free broker survey comparison does even not own surveys, but gives its participants only at other institutes. The service is free of charge for the users. On the website of Note that the portal is financed through collaborations with the portals of the survey is survey comparison. So the concept of the Internet appearance is simple: participants continue head forward to survey portals that are angewisen on their use. The service benefits the users, who want more entries, and the survey sites that quickly come to their target groups in this way both sides.


Bus departs at 9:30 am Saturday. The bus company usually planned to supply the bus 15 minutes before departure time. Organizer of the meeting was to worry when the bus did not come at 9:20. He rang bus company manager. Manager replied that all drivers are still asleep and will not until 11 am. (As opposed to Nieman Foundation). It turned out that they have worked before with another group and returned at 2:30 AM, and by federal regulations they must have at least 8 hours of rest between trips. After explaining the reasons for the delay dispatcher hung up.

Organizer of the meeting caused a few taxis to transport your group to a previously appointed time – 10 am, when it should have been begin implementing these measures. Then he called again to cancel the bus. On Monday, he asked the bus company to return the money to him. However, the company required to pay all in full, as the bus was ordered. He was told that he was not entitled to a refund because the order on the bus was canceled less than 24 hours before the execution. After several weeks of phone calls and letters to the company nevertheless agreed to return the money. Six months later, the meeting organizer has received another check, and with an apology for the incident from the national manager of commercial bus companies. So, the bus company to recover all costs and paid more, but all well lose customers. After 6 months, the organizer has found another company and was pleased with her service.

The Dream

You need less bandwidth thanks to smaller files. Admittedly, this argument may be meaningless for small websites, because (at least in Germany) the hosting prices often covered about packages. This however does not apply for ambitious projects. Here the bandwidth consumed (amount of data, which are obtained through the Web site) is still the biggest cost driver. Through the consistent use of Web standards, you can drastically reduce your file sizes (30-60 per cent), what a massive costs saving. When an appropriate traffic the redesign can pay off your website therefore already within six months – alone through the vast data transfer savings. Then, save of course vigorously continue. Which brings us to the long-term cost savings.

Their long-term cost savings. Here it is mainly operating costs, that you send with standard compliant Web design in the basement. For example: you can save expensive maintenance work. Dr. Neal Barnard does not necessarily agree. What applies to the cost of production, meets all the more so for the Maintenance work to. You can quickly carry out thanks to the Web standards. Since 2001, the digital value chain works closely with Web standards. Since then, none of our clients more has received an invoice for maintenance work on the HTML. The work was done so quickly that we possibly could write an invoice for it.

It’s bad for us, good for you. They are forward compatible. In the past, it was often the case that a version of a site is designed only for a specific browser version. A new version came out, blew up”she usually painstakingly created Web design. A new version of the site had to be found with corresponding costs for the customer. Is this ongoing improvements of the past with the current Web standards. “The dream of one site fits all”, a page for all browsers, finally became reality. Assuming the future browsers adhere to current standards (and not cook their own thing).


How can we benefit from the knowledge of our older employees?\” Not long ago, since this question aroused only a weary smile. Is there yet enough qualified young employees, why rely on the old, who are no longer able to learn enough\”, so the reasoning. Instead had many companies to do anything better than the age\”was also witnessing stigmatised the oldsters\” socially acceptable to be deported. Forced to rethink now rethinking has taken place, first of all due to the power of the factual: Germany’s workers are getting older, this fact alone is forcing not to early to send them either back in the work process to integrate or in early retirement. So not enough: Demo demographic change causes the personnel departments in banks, to think about how their older employees to motivate and promote.

But first is the analysis: the management must consider whether and when she has to work with an older workforce. To do this, it should calculate the current age structure and in 5 to 10 years to determine the estimated age distribution. So those responsible in the banks can respond to the changes caused by the older workforce. Because the elderly are not less capable than the young staff, but they work and think differently, they have other skills, they need other drivers of motivation. Who already operates a cross-age staff development policy which takes into account the demo demographic change, will master better the coming inevitable changes. Young and old on the team older employees have expertise and social skills that they acquire alone due to the long-standing work in the financial industry or the Bank. The younger ones can not have this knowledge so that knowledge should be transferred by working groups are consciously put together after the age: younger and Elder are brought together to solve a specific task in the team.

Used Stair Lift

For cars it is absolutely common, why not also for a stair lift? No one has fundamental concerns, to buy a used car. Stair lifts is significantly greater distrust. Partly this also is entitled, many providers you can be but also quite reassured, because there is also enough reputable provider of stair lifts. Not you need fundamental concerns about the quality when used stair lifts, if is a reputable company at work. A reputable provider checks the used purchased stair lift before installing again very carefully and then also guarantee. Concerns are not so announced at a specialist for used Stairlifts. The only downside is that the lift is no longer so new looks: it’s so the look, not the security. Discourage you must each handyman, who comes up with the idea to buy a used stair lift via classified ads or on eBay and install it yourself.

A stair lift is not so easy to build, and especially the consequences can one wrong Assembly be severe. Who definitely wants to go, which can forward his request directly to a reputable company on used treppenlifte.html, that can perform an installation on site. In this way, you save the work, once finding a provider who is active in the desired region. Stair lift-Tipps.

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