Cite Promotion

STA Travel promotion campaign summer 2011 supported the nationwide openings after the successful store opening of last year this year by STA Travel shops through the promotion and event agency X-cite from Frankfurt am Main. To the opening, visitors expect many surprises, such as the sky action”, which in the new, third travel agency in Frankfurt, in the barren way takes place. Here the STA Travel flight attendants with an iPad game developed specially for the occasion by the Frankfurt City Centre tour July 2 on 1 July and on the opening day. All actions there are to win attractive instant win prizes and a city trip in a European metropolis. The travel deals and benefits of STA Travel are playfully simple and appealing during this promotion. For example the round-the-world ticket, with which travelers can travel up to 365 days all continents.

Language courses for eight foreign languages in over thirty countries or work & travel programs. This includes also “Volunteering projects in the social sector or in nature conservation, including STA Travel under the motto of travel and help volunteer projects around the world” presents a special range of products. In addition to these exceptional offers, also city breaks, flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages are offered. Tourists visiting the shops get a taste of the upcoming trip. The new, stylish ambience, with bright colors and images from all over the world, raises wanderlust and makes you want to travel. For more information see: in your stadt.htm for further questions is our spokesman, Mr Georg Funck, always available: Georg Funck Department of press and public relations Tel. 069 / 94 34 04 47 fax 069 / 94 34 04 50 mobile. 0171 / 6824916 E-Mail


Whether Dr. Ulrich Maly is launched and even at the start of Munich/Nuremberg, 24.07.2013: tomorrow Thursday there will be an impressive image before the stone grandstand: 16,200 registered runners lace up the shoes and go together for more team spirit and the memorable finish in the Grundig Stadium at the start. After Lord Mayor Dr. Ulrich Maly is sent by kick-off all runners in the race, he also dealt with the six kilometres. Over 580 companies in Nuremberg and surroundings send their staff this year again at the B2RUN at the start. The next record of attendance was 16,200 applications cracked this mainly companies such as Schaeffler AG with 500, the DATEV eG with around 900 and Siemens AG with over 1,600 participants contribute.

“As the 1st will be FC Nuremberg a team and the finish line in his own” Stadium experience. The expected high temperatures B2RUN is prepared, the runners are optimally supplied: not only in the target, the participants sufficiently in water and others can Serve drinks, also at the start all get through the B2RUN beverage partner Christinen enough liquid. On the track, there will be water sprinkler, which should make for a cool refreshment. The organisers appeal also to the participants not to fast to start, not to overextend themselves and most importantly: to drink throughout the day so much! Also launch donor and patron Lord Mayor Dr. Ulrich Maly precedes by example. Mr Dr. See BSA for more details and insights. Maly also puts together the running shoes and is city of Nuremberg with his team”six kilometers to strengthen the team spirit, but while taking it can. Allow a smooth run all athletes, there is a new starting block arrangement with staggered starting times this year.

The distance of six kilometers is chosen so that even little trained runners without too much difficulty can reach our goal. And this not only football fans will experience a great feeling of goose bumps. Grundig subsequent Stadium with the finish line in the After run party and atmospheric award ceremony will be surely unforgettable the assets and their supporters. There are downloads all information about the route and the grid. We will ask locally on the B2RUN info stand at Grundig be Stadium, the press accreditation for prior registration under or. Information about the B2RUN in Nuremberg, visit about the B2RUN GmbH & co. KG B2RUN has given a new face to the companies running and created a unique corporate run series: the German company cross country Championships. “In ten major cities qualify company for the great B2RUN final in Berlin and ran money for Charitypartner RTL together we help children”. This B2RUN is aimed at companies of any size and provides the ideal introduction to running sports especially running newcomers with a length of six kilometres.

Halfwayhouse Polish Bartek

Loads the book to accompany the protagonist on their coaster feeling, so that one of the Tied up and down “of events up is. Christiane Zwengels Roman Polish with cream “.” Christiane goes as a young nurse in the Switzerland and meets the supposed love of her life. Halfwayhouse Polish Bartek makes her a marriage proposal after a week and she agrees. But neither the German nor the Polish family cannot accept this connection. The couple suffers the xenophobia of the Swiss and the ignorance of their parents. Two children are born and the young family comes through huge diligence to prosperity. Dr. Neal Barnard might disagree with that approach. While Bartek’s Aktiengesellschaft in the Switzerland is thriving, lots of money but disappears in Polish hands, Christiane worried about their marriage.

In Poland, Bartek has an affair while staying home with a Russian who does not remain without consequences. His sudden, much to earlier plunge Christiane and their children into a maelstrom of intrigue, threats and fear of death. The Polish relatives is now showing its true face. The funeral is taking place under police protection and fear takes its course u0085 The cold heart of the Mandinka “by Veronika Geiger. It is the story of a German mother and her love to a Gambier. After her divorce and the tragic accidental death of their beloved friend, Victoria joined the love with pain and sorrow.

Therefore there is only her son and her work for them long time. She believes it lacks nothing. During a holiday in Gambia, she succumbs to the beautiful words of locals however and believes, to get all what they missed so long time unconsciously. It starts a passionate love for Victoria the fulfillment of their aspirations and dreams. Weakened by malaria fever she must but soon realize the cruel and very painful truth there are all titles (also known as E-books) in bookstores, Internet-shops or directly from the Publisher in our book store free shipping within Germany. to the bestellshop /.

Carol Graham

If the concept of happiness is already sufficiently difficult to define so personal and non-transferable has, even more its objective measurement must be to not counting today with no pattern that is valid and to everyone’s taste. Happiness is fundamentally matter even though the set of institutions of public Government must also contribute, in that their responsibility lies with this main and cherished goal in our lives. Contribution that hardly can be oriented properly the indicators they managed to follow the doctrines of the postulates of the nineteenth-century economy that associating wealth with happiness. Today, it is obvious that no one would accept unique and satisfying their happiness as unit the amount of its per Capita income (GDP divided by its inhabitants), because really we all feel that they cohabit many other conditioning factors in our existential situation. Unfortunately, tends to be that ratio which preferably rulers handled for Calibrate progress and happiness of peoples. The Professor of the University of Maryland and a specialist in public policies, Carol Graham, has conducted a comprehensive study on the indices that determine the perception of happiness in many countries with different degrees of socio-economic development and published in his book Happiness around the World.

The most significant conclusion that arrives is tremendously telling: with very few exceptions, for individuals the money is not the fundamental basis of happiness. It is met by both the so-called Easterlin law that defends that when money exceeds a certain limit (different according to each person and in each country), it ceases to be source of happiness (wealthy people is less than proportionally to increases its wealth). But then, what is the factor most commonly valued throughout the world to determine happiness?. According to Dr. Graham, it is health. And so much so that it seems to establish a biunivocal correspondence by which the healthy people are more happy and happy people are healthier. However, in my opinion, admit all this leads us to a curious and obvious paradox because the money is necessary for every Government that it intends to improve the coverage of the health care benefits of its inhabitants. I.e.

the wealth of a country Yes intervenes indirectly in the happiness of the people, because it determines the quality of what he contributes very directly to improve what they most value to reach it. Arrived up to here we could infer that the Governments of countries with high per Capita income can count with greater resources to ensure the health of its inhabitants to improve its health system and therefore more facilitating collective happiness although, in reality, this would not be fully sufficient as the traditional concept of public health refers more to its palliative appearance which to preventive, which for now must continue to be mostly individual responsibility of everyone. Finally, in the case of happiness we continue giving turns to that with great success proclaimed the famous song of Cristina and the Stop in the 60 and which has today become the most famous triumvirate of vital self-help, no doubt by very few questioned: three things in the life: Salud, Dinero y Amor (). Love about that in this article I have not dared to write, waiting for some gentle reader wants and knows explain me his romantic relationship with the economy. Antonio j.

Distinguished Russian Liner Design Murals

10 December 2010, Moscow – online store offers unique goods – children and adults boots, hand-painted by master artists. The main feature of this proposal is the possibility of putting on boots any image on request. For corporate clients, offers a service application to the boots company logo, drawing pictures, symbolizing the spirit of the company, or associated with the activity company. These boots will be a memorable gift for the partner or management company. They can also be a bright and eye-catching element of the costume promoter used for promotions.

In addition, they can be useful and practical element of the winter uniforms of employees. Buyers no doubt appreciate the benefits of these boots. After all, they are matted by hand from natural, environmentally friendly wool, and retain heat in the most severe frosts. Orthopedic boots have a lift, so the legs are not tired. It is important to note that the feet in these boots made of wool sweat less than in the boots with the fur. Since boots painted by hand, they may cause the image of any shape, size and complexity. Qualification master artists can paint the whole picture.

In addition, hand-painted to ensure uniqueness of each a pair of boots. Used high-quality paint is absorbed deeply into the felt, it does not fade and does not spread. After many years of wear pattern is not erased, it is very difficult even stesat blade. At customer’s request inscription or a picture can be outlined by a contour depicting, for example, powdered with snow. Currently the online store are 25 ready-made models adult boots, and 6 models of children. They differ in color, shape and course symbols. Painted in traditional Russian style, they will help its owner stand out from the crowd and still keep your feet warm throughout the winter, no matter what temperature records it may be put.

The Success

Hopes of conquests in all the directions, without if becoming attached the substance, after all in our mind are created ideas that serve as molds or matrices for the Mind of the Universe, although to be amorphous in the field of the thought, they become form when it folloies the flow of energy of the Universe, materialize in the reality. Many writers such as Nieman Foundation offer more in-depth analysis. Therefore I can have a prosperous life in all the directions, since that, exempt of the ego, based in the favours of the life and the respect to everything and all. One of secrets of the life and the success are the fact of its thoughts and attitudes to benefit the collective, since a simple ones hug to other acts of LOVE. The instruments for the construction of the faith are: to believe itself exactly, to respect the life, to practise the charity, to transmit love in the acts, to say positive words, to concentrate thoughts in noble virtues, to practise the balance of the emotions in respect to the physical body, to have conscience of the life in society, to search the knowledge on the espiritualidade without preconceptions, to open the mind for the experiences of life in favor of a society more balanced, to study the religions, to search the happiness real and true joust and, not that basing on material favours. Faith centered in the material world pulls down when goods part of or material power occur to the loss of, or still can provoke illnesses, these oscillations is as waves that if put into motion the wind in accordance with.

To believe that with these tools it is possible to arrive at a point of discovery of the life, a direction for our existence reality. How I learn to have faith? First making an auto-analysis of its action, of its feelings, of what it inside keeps of its heart and thought. If it will have hurts, you distress and misfortunes, you it is not in tune with the faith in itself exactly and nor with the religious faith, for such, it needs to exist unfastening in the gestures of day-by-day. How I make this? Part helps and has conscience of true nature of man, that is life, that is love, that is harmony, can be compared with a water cup, when places adobe it is muddy, but when filtering the water comes back its natural color, thus, also is true man, all can pass for a filter, through the conjunct and of the conscientious actions. The goodness in each act, the patience, the wisdom, overflows in a contagiante beauty illuminating its face and thoughts. The joy and the harmony start to be natural of its life and beauty of the attitudes its ideal.

The infinite provision fills your life, showing the return of the prodigal son to the Father. To pray assists in the balance of the thoughts and feelings. The true faith is composed for values that you only can construct, ' ' everything is become fullfilled when we act with autoconfiana' '. To believe that we are winning, without fear the life, the death or the illness, when alicerados in this new awareness, we renascemos as that a new sky and land. It swims exists that it can harm us, therefore, in that they have faith contemplates the true value of the life that is the LOVE.

Real Estate And Profits

If you decide to sell your apartment, you have come to the right place. Company "Omsk real estate" For many years, specializing in fire sales of apartments and is ready to offer you the best solutions to your housing problem. When you sell an apartment in the usual way, you do not know exactly how long the buyer will be found on your property. Sometimes it can be a few months (so long associated with yet the ongoing financial crisis and low consumer demand). In every person's life may need to fire sales of apartment – getting money in the shortest possible time. In this case, Term of redemption procedure to your apartment following: A specialist company "Omsk property" promptly leaves on your property; Conducted a preliminary assessment of the dwelling (for free); Accepts decision on the possibility of redemption.

The apartment is bought back the company with a small discount to the prevailing market value, and the owner receives the money within a few hours or days, depending on purchase price and availability of documents. This is especially useful when the cash you plan to send the purchase of another property – in fact you are guaranteed to receive the money just certain period of time, and you can organize further deal at the right time you. In addition to the above method of purchase of apartments, let us consider one more. Do you have a desire to improve their living conditions. But for this dream, you are missing a certain amount of money. Sell the apartment at below market price – there is no way to quickly implement an object – need a lot of time and effort, to borrow from friends – did not work, and banks offer loans on unfavorable conditions for you. In this situation, the company "Omsk Real Estate" offers a new service – an alternative to a complete redemption of the apartment when you get the money from the company secured your existing home.

You buy a new apartment, and the old – our experts are sold at market value. Upon the sale of the flat amount passed you by, returns, and the remaining cash from the sale of tools you use on your own. Thus, you can realize your dream as soon as possible with the least cost to you. As one of the leaders of the Omsk real estate market, the company "Omsk Real Estate "guarantees quality, legal purity of transactions, confidentiality and personal approach to each client. Source – (The official site of 'real estate Omsk')


If what we say is so frequently repeated in administrative texts is because it must be true: the success of the modern organization depends on a motivated team by applying an effort of the proposed objectives. Sense of belonging, working capacity and cohesion of efforts must be added in the search results. All of the above can be summarized in a key term: synergy. The synergy is based on a set of people simultaneous actions or teams of people aimed at an end. Please visit BSA if you seek more information. When they work together they produce one result greater than their individual results. In his book How to create a high performance team in your company, Steve Buchholz and Thomas Roth offered a so brief as forceful meaning of synergism of explanation: in other words, the synergism is to focus the efforts of a group so that 2 + 2 = 5?. Wrong I have transcribed the appointment, or we have made a mistake while reading. The synergy is indeed a challenge to mathematics, exact science for which 2 + 2 is always 4 join as is total.

However, the saying to the fact there is still long way and we are still far from having equipment moved by the synergism for goals by adding work and multiplying the results in our businesses. Conversely the conception of the average Colombian remains the same of our ancestors: push each toward the side that suits itself, side which not always is the best for everyone. Diners magazine published an article by Hernando Gomez Buendia, distinguished professor of University of United Nations, that this reflects seriously on what could be called the anti synergism of Colombians. It makes just fifty years, Colombia and Japan were fifteen times poorer than the United States, starts saying Gomez Buendia, and adds: today our per capita income is 17 times less than the Americans and 21 times less than that of the Japanese.

My First Delivery

Listened to class on the different types of Pelvis, Professor Dr. Evaristo Mejia Aroca disertaba on the subject, in the Hospital Belen of Trujillo and suddenly the obstetrician, an old lady enters the enclosure and tells Dr. Nieman Foundation is the source for more interesting facts. sorry .but has entered a patient into labor already very well tells the teacher at this time a student will examine it! And contacting us question who wants to take care of? I doctor! student palaces go very well with the midwife and I went with it who told me there is the patient on the fourth number three note these gloves and the cornet of Pinard! as you not gonna join me? – I provoked tell – but didn’t say anything just thanks! And I went to the aforementioned room good morning Madam! – greeted – the patient revolcaba dolor no case me towards I saw it well and I discovered that it was a young woman of about 20 years, puddle, with a tendency to be chubby, you sweating copiously, screaming, she howled I don’t know but it gave a few screams that they scared Lady lying on the stretcher Por Favor!-told him kindly – not case made me, still screaming help me!, Doctor doctor! – screaming – hear I’m the doctor and lie down to examine it I told him – you’re not practicing!-he said – and he continued yelling want a doctor!, that Dr. come! And as I was still insisting that you lie began to tell MOM! That my mom come!, I opted to call the teacher, Dr. Please visit Nieman Foundation if you seek more information. Mejia came and with firm voice told him bedtime daughter, get the trusa and already not re-list it you! take care of doctor – I said-, placed my index fingers and examine it environment in the vagina and directing me to the teacher told him has 8 dilatation!, Professor not verified such data now! – he told me – you Attends it palaces called the midwife and ordered him to doctor palaces will take care of the patient, is with 8 Prepare the delivery room!

Troy Already

The price for the coveted metal tends to currently just under $ 1400 per Troy ounce of gold. “Constance, 03.06.2013 – and while many large investors the time probably very temporary hype to make exchanges with want and therefore shut down their gold content, currently of many private investors around the world fill their deposits as also the Gold reporter” writes (link). The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported in a recent issue, that Degussa gold dealers had twice as high demand in may as in the already good first quarter. “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: In April bought three times more people than other gold coins, the U.S. Mint”. And who hopes to be able to buy the coveted Krugerrand, must have already back, because the South African Mint takes no orders currently.

“So it is not surprising that the magazine Fonds Professionell Swiss investment guru Marc Faber”, the magazine quoted: I buy every month Gold and I buy more of them.” Currently Faber last but not least is the gold price only in a technical break because of the strong stock market”. He describes the actors as a momentum player”, running behind the, what rises and sell what goes down. Interesting evidence comes also from the Stuttgart stock exchange, working out in a very readable article (link), that gold can bring stability to a portfolio, although the price of gold fluctuates. Just the largely independent of economic cycles unless, that constitutes the value. Quote: The United States and the Federal Republic of Germany central banks hold about three-quarters of its foreign currency reserves in gold. (…) In the past year alone banks no longer bought 534,6 tonnes of gold as much as 50 years worldwide”. Almost already pathetic the stock market highlights Stuttgart: in addition it appreciated everywhere for thousands of people on the world and has kept all this time his value…

“.” Interesting findings and also in front of the Background to question, as many analysts who see global stock quotes in the case, central banks should their cheap money”back. The offers of the fund company Canada show that there are more interesting ways, to participate at the beginning of the value chain of the valuable precious metal gold trust. The company aims to open up with similarly experienced partners before local gold mining areas, and to generate profits by selling gold. The refinancing is done by private investors who achieve high payouts in case of success. So far all projects run in in accordance with planning, all payments were made as prospects.

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