" It is not possible to be done nothing without peace and perdn" , Sarkozy at the beginning of the press conference declared that closed summit in which to delegations of 60 countries and international organizations participated to express their support to the National Council of Transicin (CNT). The French president advanced that one of the taken decisions unanimously went the one to restitute to Libyan the goods that had been congealed by the international community to the regime of colonel Muamar to the Gadafi. Unfreezing of million On the other hand, the participant countries in the conference in Paris of international support to Libya announced that the decisions taken in this encounter allow to the unfreezing " inmediato" of 15,000 million dollars in support to the population of that country. If you would like to know more then you should visit Boy Scouts of America. " The money turned aside by (colonel Muamar to) Gadafi and by its surroundings must return to the Libyans. All we have ourselves it jeopardize to unblock the money of the Libya of the past financing the future of the Libya of the present time " , it indicated French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, in press conference, detailing to begin that amount. In the joint declaration that picks up the conclusions of this appointment, it is possible to be read in fact that " it stops to allow the Libyan authorities to confront the needs of the population and to undertake immediately taking the effort to reconstruct pas" , the necessity remembered to put at the disposal of the CNT the goods congealed in the application of the resolution of the Security Council of the UN. Source of the news: Clinton asks the Libyan rebels who protect the reserves of arms that are in the country
March Customers
V. in Berlin. Applications were informally requested by email to. With our advocacy, we want the honorary consulting in Germany based on international models – as for example in the United Kingdom or the United States – advance.”argues Kai Drabe, also co-founder of the initiative. Due to the financial crisis and the current political efforts for an improvement of the financial advice the course despite critics from our point of view has been irrevocably set.” As the honorary consulting in Germany set will establish itself in the coming years with significantly increasing market share. In particular for the period after the election of the Federal Government we expect further legislative measures and therefore be convened our second nationwide Honorary Advisor Summit in Berlin on November 19, 2009.” Follow a separate invitation in a timely manner. “Thomas Abel performs: the establishment of fee-based financial advice by intensive public relations work, the ongoing dialogue with the political bodies and the promotion and coordination of technical exchange of all experts and associations belong to our work.” The settlement in Berlin was due to the close proximity to the political institutions and the media of great benefit.
Ulf Niklas explains: we offer our members a free newsletter, participation at specialised events and now also the inclusion in the planned public directory information. We will post more information soon.” Unchanged to hope on the accession of further members. On the home page at can anyone print out the appropriate preamble and sign. The greater our advocacy, the more ear we can us in politics and economic gain. “, as Ulf Niklas continue. Also private customers are already Member the nationwide initiative. It should be always imperative to hear the opinion of the customers and to implement. It is easy for the honorary consultant, after all, only the customer is his employer.” On the initiative of qualified and independent fee consultant”: the initiative has formed in the framework of the quality offensive undertaken by the Federal Ministry of consumer protection consumer finance in March 2009. It aims in particular, to establish the honorary consulting in Germany and also to ensure a high quality in this. Thus, valuable for customers and high standards will be used in the fledgling industry.
Child Care
Online Agency spot media gives child care e.V. new website donations should always 1:1 to the needy go. The Hamburg-based online agency looks spot media and supported the Husumer child care Association in the redesign of this website free. Child care e.V. convinced the jury of the spot-media project SwitchPitch and won one of the social media workshops initially. It turns out already in the first conversation, that child care e.V. actually was a completely different and much more important needs. Quickly and efficiently adapted spot media needs.
The decision to convert the profit, an agency performance in the amount of 10.000,-EUR was a lottery win for child care e.V.. Thanks to our competent partner spot media an important foundation stone is laid with the new Web page, to reach willing donors and to inform about our social activities. We could never afford a such order. All donations are 1:1 for the Soup kitchen and used for food. Not a cent is spent on administrative costs,”as Marco Kronsbein for child care e.V.
The Club engages in South Africa for almost two years for a soup kitchen in Beaufort West and ensures that more than 200 Township children get a hot meal every day. The intuitive and quick ability to maintain by Club members, which are all volunteers working in their spare time for child care e.V. was requests to the new page. A revision of the navigation structure and content as well as a modern design of the website could not be missed. In order to get the best result from the limited budget, there is spot-media chose an existing modular system. “As a partner, won the Jimdo GmbH, which their modular system JimdoPro” provides for an unlimited period of time child care e.V.. spot-media developed a detailed website concept with child care e.V., designed the design, realized the website with the modular system and took over setting the first content. Since then, members of child care e.V. can maintain the page himself and ever-current content. Since July, the Web site of the child care Association at is to reach. Sebastian sweeping, spot-media AG
South Tyrol
With 4:26 ‘ 07 “trumped Celestino the record time of the winner in the previous year, Klaus Fontana, about 20 minutes. The latter has achieved today one seventh place in the race with start number. Among women has today the German Katrin Schwing Trek-Domatec team celebrated a great success; She earned the HERO route in 5:59 ‘ 09 “ab. Barbara Kaltenhauser won the second place in 6:12 ‘ 57 “and the third Anna Ferrari by the Elettroveneta-Corratec team in 6:20 ‘ 08”, which had prevailed in the past year. Wins the 50 km race of the 21 year old Stefano Dal Grande (3:04 ‘ 20 “) by the FullDynamix team and beats in the peers Argentines of German Dorhmann Manzano (team visit shark bike Semperlux) with a Zeitvorsrpung of 3’14”. Daniel Jung of South Tyrol from the team mountain heroes succeeded in with 3:15 ‘ 05 “to overtake third place; While he could improve not his second placing last year. In the 50 km race also the Jet were men of the Italian under the category hobby Alpin ski present: the world champion Christof Innerhofer (4:38 ‘ 54 “) to place 35, completed his team-mate Peter Fill (4:16 ‘ 19 “) on number 11.
The third Jet man of the Italian alpine ski, Florian Eisath, had to after a fall retreat to make the Brunecker hospital due to a severe abrasion on the elbow bandage is. Congratulations to the assessor for mobility and the economy of the autonomous province of Bolzano, Thomas Widmann, which according to the experience in the last year, the second HERO event on 28th at 4:30 ‘ 55 “completed. In the women’s race, Michela, Benzoni of Lissone MTB team won in 3:45 ‘ 23 “from Bergamo from the Bozen Andrea Tasser (team Sarntal wheel) with a time difference of nearly 15 minutes, followed by Kristien Nelen from Belgium by Scott Goeman Cyclim team. The race has now ended in the best way, our thanks to all those who have participated in event the HERO goes reports Peter Runggaldier, co-organizer in addition to Gerhard Vanzi from South Tyrol Sellaronda HERO first and foremost we thank the hundreds of volunteers, which have supported the organization with enthusiasm: without them. would it not possible. In this sense the further all partner clubs and the local institutions, such as the Turismusverband of Selva di Val Gardena, Val Gardena marketing and the Turismusvereine of Alta Badia, Arabba, Val di Fassa and Alpe di Siusi thank you. The next meeting is now in television: on July 5 at 21:30 h you can experience after the emotions of the race in one of RAI sport 1 broadcast summary.
Top Salaries
Alma mater content study 2012 with 1,015 companies cracked the eighth edition of the alma mater content study at entry-level salaries of graduates for the first time the 1,000 participants mark. Salaries reached an average 40.825 gross per year and thus significantly more than in previous years. Also, the job prospects for graduates are rosy for the year 2012 95% of the firms indicated to make graduates this year. Top salaries the trend from last year is also the salary study in the automotive, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering confirms 2012 there are top salaries for graduates especially in the automotive industry the average is 46,000 gross / year. But the areas of electrical and mechanical engineering graduates can gross with above-average 45,000 / year count. Negative, however, draws the image for young professionals in the tourism industry. The starting salaries there are nearly 36% below the average.
Demand for graduates the prospects for graduates are high for that The year 2012 is still dazzling. 95% of the participating companies representatives to have a rising or at least consistent staffing to graduates. CDF: the source for more info. The trend is unmistakably positive, but the value was two years ago at only 77%. The prospects for Bachelor and master graduates are steadily improving. So almost 80% of the companies are looking for graduates with these accounts is only marginally higher diploma. The Bologna reform is reflected also in the labour market. About the content of study: In the period from November 2011 to February 2012 recruitment alma mater invited nationwide staff contact to participate in the survey.
The volunteers gave information about the earning potential of graduates in their companies. Total over 6,300 content information gathered, including also the remuneration of internships and theses. The full study can be downloaded for free on the Internet page. About the alma mater GmbH: alma mater is a recruitment and Career advice for academic talent. Applicants customers include university students, graduates and Young Professionals. On behalf of renowned companies from the entire Federal territory, alma mater provides internships and permanent positions. The service is free for applicants. In addition to personnel placement services, alma mater offers also services in the field of employer branding for companies.
District Association
The proper handling of the vehicle is driving in the area required and the correct and environmentally friendly handling of own 4WD or SUV are not only in line with the trend for individuals. The operation of vehicle of use off paved roads of great importance is also for authorities and public institutions. Whether the mountains of goods from heavy terrain, crossing various barriers or meaningful and considered dealing with the equipment of the vehicle: A real usage will be learned and rehearsed. For this reason the District Association of the German Red Cross in Aachen has now posted an off-road driving training at the company Landyreisen for his staff. The company Landyreisen, the 2010 both for all brands as family trips in the off-road sector offers off-road driving training, working successfully with 4 x 4 magazines such as the cyclists of all “magazine and various local garages together. Also private customers book an off-road driving training to your car at Landyreisen closer to meet and on the non-public area of driving successfully to cope with different Fahrsituationenerst in theory and in practice.
It honors us of course, that we have been selected by the German Red Cross, driving exercise carry. “, says Stefan Schumacher, owner of Landyreisen. But here,”he explains, we will cut to of course especially the program on the equipment and soil characteristics of the vehicles. Our team is therefore required to provide participants with the handling of the vehicle even in the most difficult situations.” Schumacher, author of the book the Land Rover off-road training”confirms this with the development of new, more difficult routes parts in the driving area. We are constantly working to offer so much diversity, to simulate the various driving situations as possible. “.” This includes also a new, about 400 m long terrain passage, which is very demanding and advanced Participants requires much courage, but also the necessary calm and consideration. The eco-friendly driving style at the off-road driving training stands for the team of Landyreisen in the foreground.
This is confirmed by individuals from the forestry and hunting area, who have already participated in the training. Despite volunteering the funny thing should stand but in the foreground, to motivate the staff and to enrich so Schumacher in their knowledge. Visit Childrens Defense Fund for more clarity on the issue. You can book an off-road driving course with his four-wheel-drive vehicle at. There he gets interested also detailed information about the training program, prices, and other activities around the theme of off-road.
IRIS Jallinger
Free backlinks secretly enforce Portal JADR started Portal JADR social bookmarking with social bookmarking just five months ago. With a total of 1,640 users, of which about 1,000 are active grows increases stetis the online community and the number of submitted articles. The portal is therefore increasing popular. At JADR, it is possible to describe Web pages free of charge with a text link, to share the own bookmarks via Twitter and Facebook and to advance so the own placement in the leading search engines, such as Google or Yahoo!. BSA is often quoted on this topic. Conditions of participation and exclusion from the service registry umfasst only details to the email address and the desired password. Boy Scouts of America is often quoted as being for or against this. These are confirmed opt-in process then about the double and you’re ready to go with the indexing.
The service is and remains free and can be extended to as many bookmarks. Web sites with racist, are of course significant people or against applicable law Content, as well as pure MFA (made for AdSense) sites excluded from participation. JADR offers a large playground, for search engine optimization because the administrators very accommodating with obviously deal with the goal of search engine optimization of applied, bookmarks. What happens in the background when JADR? JADR operation is financed exclusively from generated advertising revenue and is guaranteed by four student volunteers. Painstakingly hand here each bookmark on its raison d ‘ etre is checked and switched manually released. Currently JADR is visited now average in the month by 6,500 visitors. 90% of visitors come from Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.
The remaining 10% comes from 93 countries worldwide. Mister Wong link arena, Kledy is now also JADR for social bookmarks. If the portal is similar statistics show the time. The benefits of using JADR bookmarks publish bookmarks share search engine optimization traffic free backlinks trust conclusion: JADR is an another social Bookmarking portal. No revolutionary neologism but certainly worth a visit. What is interesting is that you can discover new websites, even foreign pages show often product innovations or new marketing techniques. Thank you for your attention! Their IRIS Jallinger
Managing Director
New success project of the online service provider Berlin, May 20, 2011 the better Betreut supports the supporting members of the Austrian rescue dog Brigade (oRHB) since May 19. Thus the operator Portal expands its cooperation with relief agencies. Supporters of the non-profit rescue dog Brigade about exclusive benefits when you access on the maintainers database can enjoy for years to come. Over 25,000 workers of the online service provider forward organisationally to be the benefactors and to make everyday life easier. Supporters of the oRHB gain another exclusive benefit by their associate membership. Steffen Zoller, Managing Director of better Betreut satisfied expressed about the cooperation. As a dog owner, I am impressed by the exemplary commitment of the oRHB. The training of rescue dogs is a responsible task that requires much time and patience.
We are pleased to announce the rescue dog Brigade with our Services to support fully.” The Austrian rescue dog Brigade was founded in 1966 in Vienna of the Austrian rescue dog Brigade. Is one of the largest organizations in use in Austria, and contains more than 650 volunteer rescue dog handlers and helpers. The task of the Austrian rescue dog Brigade is the search for buried people, injured or lost persons, as well as the subsequent first aid position. Still it is involved about Betreut.at – better Betreut providing better Betreut TuV South tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden on disaster relief at home and abroad. The company operates the largest database of caregivers in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care.
BESSER Betreut supports numerous companies and insurance companies at the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.
Rabih Nahas
To generate no endless spiral of treatment, close cooperation is required by patient, dentist, dental laboratory and qualified professionals for targeted stress relief. Despite the best preparation of the denture, perfect adaptation in the mouth and best reconstruction of broken teeth, they will suffer from the enormous effect of the tooth presses. A continuous treatment impacted not only the patient, therefore should be integrated from the outset worked against the gnashing of teeth. The help of the dentist is destroyed by the stress-related and mostly unconscious jaw movements. The dental technician can find no solution for the clenching as soon as any psychological treatments with Act.
The patient can feel how by the time crunch, its tooth structure increasingly breaks down. Specialists inform bruxism”(gnashing of teeth) understanding of bruxism are gathered by many professionals in the dental sector. They came on the results that the so-called teeth grinding disease”is a constant challenge for the prosthetic treatment. Even perfectly made Restorations can be destroyed by it. Also the systematic search proves after a guilty not always easy. But what was found out, is that in the bedroom or in certain everyday situations Bruxismuspatienten occupy different mandibular positions, which turns nervous and mentally energized. How to Zahneknirschern”? The procedure for treating bruxism requires not only a treatment at the dentist, but an essential comprehensive treatment outside of dentistry. The gnashing of teeth for each patient an entire issue comprehensive health that as he is under enormous pressure, should be clear to him and he should play an active role in the stress reduction with qualified support.
The recognition that a tooth replacement or restoration of dental health only long term holds, as soon as is, intensively worked and also used very important. A mouthpiece, also occlusion rail, in addition important called is for the Special tooth preservation wear. Because the teeth gnashing the teeth of the patient be destroyed over and over again, a long-lasting duration of treatment at the dentist is necessary. A team of volunteers and doctors, the patient receives his inner health, and certainly his dental health again. So the perfect composition for optimum tooth replacement is created through the cooperation of all partners of the team. We help you grind teeth Zahneknirschern or have Temporomandibular joint pain? We advise and assist you. Our contact details are: Mr. Dr. d.s. Dr. med. Dent. Rabih Nahas, MSc dentist and specialist for Oralchirugie Martini road 31 28195 Bremen phone: 0421-328325 fax: 0421-328326 e-Mail: Internet:
William Shakespeare
Especially often he remembered his main Teachers, of course, also in order to vividly reflect the fact that this man as his teacher, as the author knows, never to remember Socrates. And if someone finds itself on the assumption that it is familiarity with the legacy of Socrates inspired Shakespeare's solution to the problem of cognition itself, then completely refute this assumption may be turning again for the play "Winter's Tale." And just to once again not to injure the soul Shakespeare as a reminder that in this play do not understand its readers, the author does not point to the appropriate place in the play. Shakespeare, of course, met with the legacy of Socrates. Indeed, in sonnet 59 he just said he was looking for, not yet decided whether someone of "wise men of old," the task before him. And seeing that this problem Socrates, in fact, that not even decided that Shakespeare could not lose to him every kind of interest.
It is not excluded that the heat from the coals, which enclose Socrates devils in hell, added to the heat of shame, that Socrates is experiencing whenever, in the apt words of Solzhenitsyn, "obrazovantsy" commemorate his words: "All I know is that I do not know." Shakespeare is so faux pas does not make it. Learn more on the subject from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He simply play "Fruitless efforts of love" wrote: "… we know what we know." And he knew exactly, without knowledge of which no one would be a man, even when, as believed Confucius, he wants to. And then, respectively, in fact, did not know Socrates. "Brevity – the soul of the mind" – wrote William Shakespeare in "Hamlet." But in the annals of "Henry IV he did not mince words, to fully and clearly expressed its understanding that the first and essential prerequisite of the conscious and timely resolution of any problems in this world is complete and accurate understanding of its terms. In the play "Measure for Measure," and not by accident that in this play, he repeated again: "… all the difficulties become easy when they understood." And to understand the condition of the problem – so understand that we know.
Of course, but Socrates can find a great many other contenders for the fact that it applies to them the hint contained in the words of Shakespeare's play "The End – the cause of the crown": It is in vain … no reasonable words scattered, but sow, so adults and give fruit. But the author is willing to burn for ever and hell-hell, if someone will tell him that the issue of how wisely to sow reasonable, good, eternal, at least interested in Socrates. Of course, but Socrates can find a great many other contenders for the fact that it applies to them the reproach of Shakespeare, it made in the play "Fruitless efforts of love", "Ducks of his arguments woven subtle than the foundation of its conclusions." But the author, again, ready to burn in hell, if someone can show him what to Socrates, this reproach does not apply. But the point is that, remembering all this, have unwittingly poison the soul of Shakespeare. Therefore, the author of this note and limited, leaving all the other evidence that Shakespeare during his stay on earth to the spirit of Socrates could not stand at a time when Shakespeare will begin to understand.