
The way we argue, reveals much of our personality. Although we are not lovers of the discussions, an event may cause a deisacuerdo inesiperado someone. The mayoiria of people develop patterns of behavior that almost always make us react the same way to these contingencies. Want to know how to react if the discussion is with someone who was very close to you as your partner, friend, etc. We propose the following test to know how you comiportarias: Imagine the situation. You caminanido down the street when, pronito, begins to drop torrential rain. You realize that while you wear to run Toida speed, it will take to meines five minutes to reach the destination you had expected and that means that you thoroughly soaked.

Choose one of the following reactions: 1. As you do not know how long the storm, you decide to run to your destination as quickly as possible. 2. Looking for a guard or aribol to protect you and hope it stops raining. 3. Always you carry a folding umbrella in your bag when you go, so you use it.

4. Checks for any person in the corner dispuesita to share his umbrella or look if there is a store nearby where you can buy one. Interpretation The rain represents the unexpected adversities of everyday life. yComo reaccioinado you have before the storm? 1. If you run to your destination as fast as you can, is that the final outcome of the dispute unless you care to say what you think. You people say what they think. You seiguro to be right and neicesario not discuss it. Discuitir Perhaps you may not be pleasant but at least it is easy to know what you think. 2. If you are looking resguardarte until clear sky, you usually manitener calm while the other will not stop screaming. Are you people waiting for their chance to speak. Others prefer to leave to take their coilera then give your view coinocer calm and objectively. Some would say you should become involved more, but for others it is an intelligent forima focus. 3. Paraigua If you always carry a purse, think you have the answer to any situation and the justification for any failure. You people that do not require the opinions of others. Without doubt, tieines talent as an orator, and discussions will serve to demonstrate this, but sometimes you can give the impression of being someone cold or fleeting. 4. If you are looking for someone with an umbrella or a tent donide can buy a bit is that you like conflict or confrontation, and try to appease the other when estailla a dispute. You people who prefer not to get involved in disputes with others, giving priority to relations than differences. However, in some situations, this may not do more than make things worse. Although it is sometimes a good strategy, it would be good at other times take the party and supports a "storm." .

The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.

Scientific School

In regards to the exercise of being able of the nurse, a reproduction of the medical power is observed, where ' ' head of enfermagem' ' , most of the time he adopts an arrogant leadership of autocratic nursing and in the command of the nursing team, what he infers Padilha (1997). On the other hand, as for the relations of being able of the nurse next to the nursing team, an alternation of papers is verified, that is, these assumes attitudes of authority, responsibility and requirement in the fulfilment of the duties, fellow creatures to those of the doctors. The exercise of the power carried through for the nurse is based on the knowledge of the administration in nursing. Maximiano (2005) it appraises to manage as the process to take decisions on objectives and use of resources. This knowledge consolidated through the Nightingaleano model and of the administrative theories, amongst which if it detaches the beginning of the Classic and Scientific School that, as Fernandes and Spagnol (2003) bring as characteristic the spalling of the activities, the impessoalidade in the relations, the centralization of the power and the rigid hierarchy, what it can be observed through the authoritarian managemental behavior adopted by the nurses.

Ahead of the diversity of subjective acquired by the professional nurse, where the conquest is substituted by the responsibility and the freedom is imprisoned the limitation, it allows the professional, to half acquire and methods for attainment of the procedural character of autonomy in the nursing. Spagnol (2003), still infers that although the contributions of the classic model of management, the organization of the work in the hospital area, throughout the time have produced effect negative, which harm the work process. The author still cites the difficulties in taking care of readily to the necessities of the customers and the workers, what she intervenes with the quality of the given services, therefore the work is developed mechanically, without bonds with the customers and the professionals of the daily one.


Site screenshot: So, what is this site? This is, firstly, the new site. Judging c news archive, launch the site in March 2011. – A simple site without heaped animation and other effects, but it also has the advantage, as it fairly quick to load compared to other news sites vareznymi. On the main page of the inscription – "Pump the best with '. After reviewing the sections, such as software, movies, music, books, magazines, games, books, building windows, web-master, drivers, cartoons, pictures, wallpaper, humor, mobile phones, which is useful can be said that information is a relatively new, relevant, mainly 2010-2011, many new free programs, interesting films, exciting games for yourself found interesting wallpapers, some new games and build Windows. News beautifully decorated, has its own style. The apparent advantage of the site is the absence of intrusive advertising. However, there is a small banner at the bottom of the page, but it is almost imperceptible.

Anyone can become a journalist – namely, get the opportunity to publish their news online, earn a file storage. In order to sat a journalist should write in 'Licko' admin (admin) a private message with the request. The Administration does not limit the number of users of file sharing options, it could be a reference, but the free and working. At the forum you can discuss a variety of news, for example, there are themes: "All of DLE ',' How to make money on Amazon Turk or withdraw money from the Amazon Turk ',' List of the best vareznikov neta 'who wants to can add their own themes. AND last – the site has a good block of statistics: statistics publications satistika user statistics comments, a dozen of the best writers block online users, statistics from Yandex and openstat rating.

Berlin Photo Marathon

A Photomarathon is a photo competition under extreme conditions and a journey of discovery of a special kind. 12 Hours, participants must develop a photo series, this time to 12 pre-set topics. A parent theme serves as a thread. The highlight: The topics are given only at the start and on the road known and must be photographed in the prescribed order. Spontaneity, creativity, perseverance, and lot of fun photographing are thus required. Individual photo documentation of the dynamic life in the capital are created every year. Around 400 photo enthusiastic participants are expected from the hobbyist to professional.

The faithful photo Marathon fan base is constantly growing and the participants come from near and far, and Europe, to meet the creative challenge. Starting point, stopovers and destination of the marathon are chosen by the organisers wisely, because the discovery hidden places of Berlin is an important part of the concept of photo Marathon. “2013 Is the Beach Bar Beach Centre” ( at the North Station. 2013 the analog to photograph with a 24 small film possibility for 30 participants again. The retro section is a return to the beginnings of the photo Marathon, as each subject at the first shot”had to sit. In this section, the partner of lomography will award the three best shows. All other supporters put in a variety of ways for the photo Marathon.

Them zitty and photography include magazine also 25 p * cine media partners support GmbH / rent one, Tamron, Cullman, Go4Foto, Luxad, Galileo design and Sunbounce. The 13 Berlin photo Marathon is a partner competition of the BERLIN photo FESTIVAL THE BROWSE berlin that registration is online at. The Anmeldebebuhr amounts to EUR 29 is a prerequisite for taking a camera and a minimum age of 18 years. The number of participants is limited. All Photo series will be presented in an exhibition in July in the large indoor swimming pool of the cult location Sandoval bath wedding. A jury chooses the best series, which will be awarded with attractive prizes. The winners will be announced on Saturday, July 13, 2013. Organizer of the Berlin Marathon of the photo is the Club for events e.V., an honorary Intercultural Association of passionate photography enthusiasts. The Association for events is recognized as a non-profit organization.

A Home Purchase Without Opinion Can Be Pricey

Hidden defects have thus no chance of house purchase or the purchase of an apartment is in itself an expensive proposition, this can be even more expensive for the buyers, when he buys an object that has hidden defects, which it has not noticed in advance. As a layman, it is here also a little overwhelmed, probably never seen such defects. And even if the defect appears so small, the cause can be large and consequently entail many costs. That can go in the money. That’s why you should not abandon at the House or apartment buying a real estate appraiser. Certainly, this costs money, but security, a house without defects, not too much to have paid to have pushed the price even more and to know what on renovation costs on one comes to, taking these costs would like to purchase. Because a reviewer sees things that a layman would never recognize. So he can, check the size of the object, if the House is well insulated, if the wall has cracks and also, if the buildings in order is or about ailing and moist.

Defects are present, then the price in negotiations can be reduced on this basis. Because the buyer would have to assume the costs of the renovation. In all these activities is the assessor on-site and supports the buyer. For over eight years, is the home inspector GmbH Germany active and is willing to purchase with help and advice. Modeled on American everything is applied here by the first ascent up to the date with the notary, which is relevant for the purchase. The House Inspector GmbH – buying real estate Managing Director: Jens Gause to the watermill 33 27777 Ganderkesee phone: + 49 4221 983907 fax: + 49 4221 983908 email: info (at) the Internet:

New Year

Egypt, like Turkey, is deservedly popular with our visitors, and the flow of tourists is growing. Moreover, not all are satisfied with the rest, and not to be disappointed in the number of tourists should know in advance about the shortcomings of resorts in Egypt, however, as to the merits. The undoubted advantage is that you can buy cheap tours to Egypt in Moscow. In terms of value and Egypt can not compete none. In Egypt, you can relax all year round, not only from spring to autumn, as in Turkey and the popular resorts of Europe. There is also a wonderful advantages include the nature of the Red Sea – on a more or less close in all Seas poorer flora and fauna. Practically these core strengths and we can confine ourselves, but in reality it is very important advantages, which explain the popularity of resorts in Egypt. Shortcomings in Egypt quite a lot, and everyone decides for themselves how important they are and whether they outweigh the advantages.

First of all many do not like the behavior of local residents, who in the resort areas unnecessarily intrusive and is constantly trying to extract money. However, even among vacationers can also meet quite unpleasant personality. Staff quality hotel with an excellent job of work, but some hotels are lazy workers, always beg money, although his work is done poorly. Unfortunately, the low level of service can be found in some five-star hotels. Food is often tasteless and monotonous, but it also depends on the hotel. Nature in Egypt for outside of the resort is no different richness – almost everywhere except in the Nile, there are only some of the desert. To travel independently around the country, as it can be done in Europe, is not recommended.

In the summer resorts too hot and in winter – cool, though, it's worth noting that in Turkey and Europe in the winter even colder. However, if you choose to celebrate New Year in Egypt, be prepared for chilly winds and a restless sea. However, if you select a suitable hotel in the bay, and in winter you can sunbathe and swim well. The undoubted disadvantage and overcrowded airports, which are from the very start of the holiday to spoil the mood. It is extremely important feature of Egypt is that it is a Muslim country, and some tourists will feel uncomfortable in it. In order not to be disappointed in Egypt, one must first become acquainted with its features, as well as seriously planning to travel. You must select a reliable tour operator to all organizational problems solved it, and you're just resting. It is also extremely important to choose a good hotel, with better focus on the travelers' reviews. If you prepare well, and will take into account local conditions, vacation in Egypt only to leave you with a good impression.

O Friendship !

Write about friendship can be a lot. Just as you write about it, if each person has his own concept of friendship. And how do people can be friends if they have different concepts of friendship? After all, we rarely find true friends who are similar to us on the opinions, judgments, on the philosophy of life. But it happens and friendship among such a betrayal. And as this be explained? For example, a promised and done, though he was for some reason it is difficult to make, and the other would have waved his hand and found many reasons to justify it. And at that and the other would have been the supporters and opponents.

Among the supporters of the first will be some who will arrive in the situation described above in the same way as the second. That’s interesting to me, and friendship can bored? If everything smoothly and well, maybe one of your friends want to add a fly, because there is no guarantee that another such experiment would react to a quarrel and a complete rupture. Tembolee can we consider this friendship, if one Friends of the accused and blamed the other that is not peculiar to that person. I think it just threw popolzovalsya and, if not the right thing. Can not tolerate this, this is not a need to respect, if forgiving like that. But if insulted the intimate side of the family, it is no longer a friend, you bastard, which is never a friend and did not respect! And sometimes, friends want to be praised and not hide it, and then his sin is passing you by!

Religion As A Standalone System

The fact that religion (as well as ideology – the same Marxism, and scholars such as Confucianism), possessing minds, is a huge and very real physical force, there is no reason to doubt. Undoubtedly its major impact on man and society, history, culture, life and customs. What is the mechanism of this influence? As a religion and acts as a system? Religion as a set of beliefs, rites, cults, temples, priests, etc. occurs certain conditions of social existence, at a certain level of production and the whole economic structure. The changing conditions of life (we are talking about changes of a fundamental nature) provide the corrective impact on the forms and methods of religious activity, the essence of belief and worship, the nature of religious organizations. This is normal and natural, with no changes in the lifestyle sector of ideas as it freezes at a primitive level, such as demonstrate the religious ideas of, say, the Australian Aborigines.

However, the impact of radical changes in the production of a religion is by no means straightforward and automatic. On the contrary, it is largely depends on the organizational forms and the dogmatic structure that this or that religion has developed during its early development. In practice, this means that, once it has arisen and begun to form in these conditions by certain inherent structural principles is her, this or that religion – is a very autonomous system, evolving on their own, internally deterministic laws. External influences can only stimulate change and development of religion in one way or another, to encourage her to adapt to changing circumstances. At the same time, religion can greatly modified. On the basis of old ideas, beliefs and religious forms may be new, one system may be replaced by another, more developed and adapted to changing circumstances, more aptly relevant to the needs of society.

But even in this case new religion (or modify, radically reformed the old) is governed not only by direct exposure to the outside, as its own internally deterministic laws of development. Religion as autonomous system is closely linked to ethnic and cultural tradition, and this connection, at least at first, determines the firmness of its authority. Religion is based on tradition, that is, the experience of hundreds of generations, gives its standards sacred character and to make them a stricter standard of conduct required a stereotype. A national-cultural tradition, with its powerful conservative force of inertia creates the internal stability and resilience external factors that distinguishes a religion as a system and ensure its autonomy, its internal determinism. When incorporated with their own religious ideas and institutions into a single integrated system (Religion in the broadest sense), the tradition of creating a kind of impenetrable protective armor that protects the structure from its destruction by external forces. It is in this – the reverse effect of religion on life society, the nature of culture, in the course of history.

Rio De Janeiro

In the same way that we will not find manifestation carnavalesca as that one that exists in Rio De Janeiro, in none another region, even so has carnival in the country all; in some localities the ox parties exist, but that one of Parintins is inconfundvel. Exactly when we speak in well next localities geographically and that they possess practical cultural fellow creatures, them they will be only. Example of this occurs in cities Bueno the Pepper as in Rolim de Moura (RO). In both &#039 is become fullfilled; ' parties of milho' ' but each one has its particularitities and so on, each locality can be identified by what and because it possesss elements differentiate that it of others. Therefore we can say, with Fonseca (2010, P.

115), that ' ' the Brazilian reality is diverse, plural and complex, with regional differences, varied geographies and social levels, economic and cultural distanciados.' ' But everything this is Brazil, is the national identity that characterizes one ' ' I nacional' ' Then as to understand the particularitities, the specific characteristics of each locality or each ' ' I cultural' '? Everything this is present in the folclricos elements, manifestations of the popular culture, in the gastronomia, the carried through events. But the society or the culture is not summarized to this. Also they form ' ' I cultural' ' the different social contradictions, the problems and economic relations, the conflicts and alliances politics Ahead of these characteristics ' ' outro' ' it sees these and other manifestations and it knows that this culture is different of its. E, as plus an element of the national culture, the regional differences finish turning ' ' piada' ' , as in Fonseca says to them (2010, P. 115): ' ' travelling for this Brazil, where it wants that it goes, it stops beyond the borders of its region, a miner, a gaucho, a northeastern, or a Bahian comes across with some imaginary constructions that preappraise its identidade' '.

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