EJA Education

A psicopedaggica vision of the EJA (a long way between the affective relations and allowing themselves to learn) Rahel Pepe Kings Adult the Young Education of is a specific modality of the Basic Education that if considers to take care of to a public whom was denied the right to the education during infancy and adolescence either for offers vacant volunteer, either for the inadequaes of the education system or for the favorable socioeconmicas conditions. The education of the EJA is being convoked to rethink and to transform its bonds with the society. But, diverse factors exist that need to be corrected and others eliminated so that the people can have more access to the school and, over all to be able to conclude its studies, exactly that it is of sped up form and it can seem delayed. The cognitivo development must be objectified, being in the truth the main goal of the process. In the pertaining to school scope, the Psicopedagogia must be seen as injunction, fortalecedora of identities and transforming of realities.

Creator of strategies of education that has taken in consideration the different forms of if acquiring the knowledge. It must analyze the pertaining to school institution, delimit the joined educational difficulties and plan of reflexiva form a boarding that contributes for the pertaining to school success. The Psicopedagogia also centers its look in the search for establishing relations in which the main objective is to rescue the pleasure, to not only learn, but also to teach. Being thus, it reflects on the relations established with the knowledge and the different forms of if acquiring this knowledge. To strengthen the young stimulaton that much adult needs to continue its studies and to become viable the dream of many in alfabetizarem aid in the creation of projects motivadores of practical the educative one. Theoretically the psicopedaggica action must be pautada in the prevention of the failure pertaining to school and the difficulties that involve in such a way educandos as educators.

The Nation

Entities are responsible for transmitting knowledge take little knowledge of the law, this phenomenon arises from the analysis that teachers do when they realize that the Constitution is rarely respected by the leaders. In my opinion this is not sufficient reason to deny the people what they clearly belong to him, such actions undermine the nation's intellectual heritage. 4) that which breaks with the parameters set by law is what we call illegal and more when the breakdown of artificial convention directly affects the people. What I find curious is that the people responsible for impoverishing the people. Since most teachers are poor. If you want to teach the constitution in order to enter the constitutional legality, it must give education the priority of the philosophers. Some teachers are turning to social science, studying the race queens.

But I'm afraid to say they would not be addressing the issue seriously. The teaching of the Constitution rests with the philosophers are not limited in the search for truth. For philosophers the reason the object is most prevalent in the explanation of social phenomena. 5) the countries of the earth who do not teach the Constitution their people, are the most mediocre. Because there is nothing more than mediocre to establish laws and then hide them. This approach is worthy of slaves and free men not engaged in the legislation. 6) the constitutions are formed with the aim of establishing the fundamental principles that should govern societies. 7) the constitution is not a formality required by law, is a necessity.

Life at the Cafe

He said prices were already high, but now the owners seemed to be somewhat annoying with their customers, and that this new attitude caused him to seek a new place to make your morning stop. Another person asked me if I had noticed the price increase. Then he told me that when he asked for something extra cream for your coffee, it had become as an extra when in the past ever did. I also note that began to be easier to get free seats, and definitely had far fewer students drink in recent times, perhaps because the credentials to loyal customers were discontinued when prices went up (before you could take a 10 free coffee cup with that credential.)

Recently put a sign saying that the cafe was donating to charity a portion of their income. So a customer said as he paid his account, he preferred to choose which nonprofit organization to donate their money, and if that is why prices had risen, he preferred to be reimbursed the amount of the donation.

This situation made me realize that there are not really small decisions when it comes to business. Even in the case of a big brand, you have to constantly monitor customer satisfaction because loyalty can not be taken as safe and eternal. What else could have done differently the owners of this cafe, even if we assume that they needed to raise its prices? Ask your best customers. Nobody wants to overpay for products or services they buy regularly, but it is acceptable if you get something more in return.

The Formation

This takes to classifications that rest basically in the processes and qualities in which they take part, and thus we have, for example: – Toys for visual and auditory concentration. – Toys for the perceptual discrimination. – Toys for the development of the activity with objects. – Toys for the formation of the fine movements (pressure, takes hold, etc.) – Toys to stimulate the heavy motilidad. – Toys for the development of the language. – Toys for the generalization of relations. – Toys for the stimulation of positive emotions.

– Toys for the sensorial development. – Toys for the stimulation of the associative processes. – Toys for the formation of representations. Another similar classification, in the conceptual line of H. Page, is the following one: – Toys for the development of the vigor and the motor skill. – Toys for the constructive and creative actions. – Toys for representation imitation. – Toys for the social unfolding.

– Toys for the artistic ability: arts and manualidades. – Toys for the knowledge acquisition. – Toys of scientific interest and mechanical relations. – Hobbies or I interest cognitive special. These classifications have a foundation conceived basically to the stimulation of certain processes and qualities, but they do not contemplate all the potentialities susceptible to be stimulated, nor all the areas of development. However, its main conceptual principle, to stimulate the own psychic or physical actions, that mean the essence of their approach, constitutes a right direction in the study of this problematic one, and it is related closely to modern positions, in which they can be linked of very natural way. According to BORJA (1980) and LIBRECHT (1987) the criteria to include at heart playful toy of the Toy library must respond to four caracterstcas: – Pedagogical. – Recreational. – Solidity. – Practitioner. Original author and source of the article

Real Estate Hybrids

Having identified the main contenders for the development and expansion, one can not ignore one fact: they are all in varying degrees, require special transport and storage conditions raw materials for its activities and the final product. Aha! Touched on the patient logistics and warehouse theme. Not for nothing touched – it is not plowed field for cost optimization. How much do you spend on logistics and warehouse? Analysis of the structure logistics costs the average company in the industrialized countries, has identified about a balance of: transportation – 60%, storage and maintenance of stocks – 34%, administration and management Logistics – 6%. In Russia, says business consultant, Dr.

Sc., Teacher MADI Valery Kurganov, the first figure is much higher, respectively, it is necessary to reduce transportation costs, and significantly. Further warehouse. He, like transportation, is part of the supply chain of your company. In some organizations, especially those who are not engaged in transportation of cargo over long distances, the share of the cost of storage can reach 55% (according to research company "Siberian coast"). On the administrative apparatus and can not speak, every growing company, sooner or later faces the problem of optimizing the management logistics and warehouse operations. On the topic of regulation of labor management solutions in the warehouse has written many books and theses are protected, not to mention other subjects affected us today. Of course, you as the leader your company, you can read the whole thing and draw your own conclusions, but not easier to learn from other successful companies in this business? Recently, the European market (yes already, and Russian) Real Estate Hybrids run the show.

International Dark Sky Association

We can follow guidelines to avoid light pollution: correctly designing public lighting systems. Do not keep lit interior and exterior lights on unnecessarily. Use energy saving bulbs. Establish future installation of public lighting projects regulatory measures. Establish plans for replacement of the current luminaire design. Establish guidelines for public lighting with energy-saving criteria using the luminaires with better energy efficiency. Promote the inclusion of the issue of light pollution and rational use of energy within the environmental and educational topics in all educational levels. Develop public information campaigns.

How lighting we well? Simply using well designed luminaires. To achieve this goal in Argentina a group of amateurs to astronomy together with others interested in the topic we embarked on the measurement of light pollution project, coordinated by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), performing measurements of brightness of the sky at the length and breadth of our country. Moreover a collaborator of the group, Maria Vivanco, made a short documentary about light pollution in Argentina where you can see the opinion of different people interested in the subject. The trailer along with additional information is available at. . Our intention is that this information reaches to the widest audience possible, to Governments, municipalities and other entities so that we can create awareness of the problems and possible solutions for this type of pollution that is easily avoidable, depends on each of us.

Light up the floor, not the sky from already thank its dissemination. Eng. Ricardo F.

Hindu Confederation Conference

All this is real and easy to check, just have to meet him and hear him. Swami Tilak was the same condition. He has participated in numerous activities organized by Hindu institutions as the Benares Sanskrit University. He is a member of the World Board of the VHP – Vishva Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Confederation) – headquartered in New Delhi, and is a member of the Council of Directors world of the World Hindu Federation, sponsored by the King of Nepal, his Majesty Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, with headquarters in Kathmandu; As a member of the European theological Committee and the Commission for the dissemination of the Dharma of the VHP. It has promoted and advised creation programmes and establishment of the first school in the world of Vedic studies for Westerners in Katmandhu, Nepal. It is a member of honour of the Honourable Hindu Acharya Samiti Kawaii (United States) and Shri Lanka (Hindu teachers society), Member of the Brahmana International Organization of Hyderabad (India) and the Lion Rotary Club in Lalcarwaza in Hyderabad (India).

He participated in the Conference World Hindu in Kathmandu, at the World Conference on religions Indostanicas of Los Angeles, at the World Conference on religions Indostanicas of Amsterdam, at the Conference of Hindu communities in Europe Copenhagen, in the National Congress of the Yoga Teachers Association of Spain in Zaragoza, among other many participations in numerous events, developing workshops at congresses, symposium, etc. It has also developed numerous presentations and discussions, serves as an example the National Conference of India entrepreneurs in the Bombay Chamber of Commerce. In Japan, enjoyed resounding enthusiasm of the Japanese teaching numerous courses, lectures and meetings in one of the most relevant Buddhist organizations of the country called Kofu kuno ka gaku, in the cities of Matsumoto, Fukui-Ken, Kyoto and at the Centre of health of Maha-Yoga, Academy of Shira Kawa Masako in Tokyo and Matsumoto.

License To Equipment

It will have a monthly supplement. On the Tools cook another $ 1000 necessary to purchase and technical support in the form lamps, which cost between 300 and 1000 dollars more apex locators – up to $ 1000 for in-line clinics need viziograf. This, in essence, X-ray machine with a low degree of radiation, which allows you to read the image on the computer. Lacking such a device, you are risking a lot of crap tragic mistakes. Fill root canals without looking prior to the shot, is like going on a blind cornice. Maybe it'll be safe and sound, and maybe this will be your last step. So there is no choice – have to buy. Depending on the model it will cost from 9000 to 18,000 dollars Another mandatory item your purchasing Marathon – autoclave.

It is necessary for antibacterial treatment tools. Cost about $ 2000 Do not forget the refrigerator for medicines and sterilizers. On They will take another $ 1000 And, of course, all kinds of cabinets, chairs and other furniture. Nabroste another $ 1000 License To obtain a license, you must prepare the equipment for a specific list. How should learn standards of the sea. You must have a certificate of compliance for the equipment installed.

In the room all must be placed in accordance with the plan of bti. And do not forget about the regulations relating to the size of the room. If your clinic is large enough, it is necessary to provide a toilet seat and wait for visitors.

Seville Mobility

More than 1,000 experts in mobility meet in Seville during the 23 days to March 25, Sevilla will host the contest Velo, an international event on the bicycle, which expected the presence of more than 1,000 participants, all of them experts in sustainable mobility, from 80 different countries. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the experiences developed on the bicycle as a means of urban transport. Under the slogan the Cyclo’s life, plenary sessions, with dialogues between two speakers driven by a master of ceremonies, subplenarios, workshops and roundtables will be developed in this important international event. The pageant will be held in Spanish and English. Representatives of associations, institutions, social partners, universities, companies and politicians will be involved and participating sectors of this event.

Coated Electrode

WELDING FOR COATED ELECTRODE 0,35 MM 2 – MATERIAL USED the experimental procedure Mechanics was carried through in the Laboratory of Manufacture and for the accomplishment of the following equipment had been the same used: Material: Steel part 1020 and metalo Figure 1: Part/metalo Equipment: Weld machine 220v, 85A and 430C? Mark: Soldac 430C? Manufacturer: White Martins and Morsa of group of benches: 4 IN Appear 2: Weld machine Figure 3: Morsa Consumable: Electrode AWS and 6013? steel 0,35mm and brush Figure 4: Electrode Appears 5: Steel brush Tools: Pico Appears 6: Pico 2,1 – DESCRIPTION OF the PROCEDURE 1 step: Clothes of the Equipment of Individual Protection (Glove and apron in scrap and mask of weld with filter lenses). 2 step: To bind the weld machine (command key). 3 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 80A (1 step). 4 step: To execute test in two weld laces in a preparation material, being certifyd that the machine is adjusted correctly. 5 step: To fix the part (steel 1020) in morsa lined up with the metalo that will be made to the union, to stop with weld nugget the four sides of the part, with this the same one keeps the alignment.

6 step: To effect the root of weld constructing one filete I finish with the machine in the regulation of 80. 7 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through the root. 8 step: To remove the slag with ‘ ‘ Pico’ ‘ of the two sides. 9 step: To pass brush to remove the intent slag of the two sides. 10 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 120A for finishing. 11 step: To effect 2 step (finishing). 12 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through 2 step (finishing).

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