International Dark Sky Association

We can follow guidelines to avoid light pollution: correctly designing public lighting systems. Do not keep lit interior and exterior lights on unnecessarily. Use energy saving bulbs. Establish future installation of public lighting projects regulatory measures. Establish plans for replacement of the current luminaire design. Establish guidelines for public lighting with energy-saving criteria using the luminaires with better energy efficiency. Promote the inclusion of the issue of light pollution and rational use of energy within the environmental and educational topics in all educational levels. Develop public information campaigns.

How lighting we well? Simply using well designed luminaires. To achieve this goal in Argentina a group of amateurs to astronomy together with others interested in the topic we embarked on the measurement of light pollution project, coordinated by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), performing measurements of brightness of the sky at the length and breadth of our country. Moreover a collaborator of the group, Maria Vivanco, made a short documentary about light pollution in Argentina where you can see the opinion of different people interested in the subject. The trailer along with additional information is available at. . Our intention is that this information reaches to the widest audience possible, to Governments, municipalities and other entities so that we can create awareness of the problems and possible solutions for this type of pollution that is easily avoidable, depends on each of us.

Light up the floor, not the sky from already thank its dissemination. Eng. Ricardo F.

Hindu Confederation Conference

All this is real and easy to check, just have to meet him and hear him. Swami Tilak was the same condition. He has participated in numerous activities organized by Hindu institutions as the Benares Sanskrit University. He is a member of the World Board of the VHP – Vishva Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Confederation) – headquartered in New Delhi, and is a member of the Council of Directors world of the World Hindu Federation, sponsored by the King of Nepal, his Majesty Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, with headquarters in Kathmandu; As a member of the European theological Committee and the Commission for the dissemination of the Dharma of the VHP. It has promoted and advised creation programmes and establishment of the first school in the world of Vedic studies for Westerners in Katmandhu, Nepal. It is a member of honour of the Honourable Hindu Acharya Samiti Kawaii (United States) and Shri Lanka (Hindu teachers society), Member of the Brahmana International Organization of Hyderabad (India) and the Lion Rotary Club in Lalcarwaza in Hyderabad (India).

He participated in the Conference World Hindu in Kathmandu, at the World Conference on religions Indostanicas of Los Angeles, at the World Conference on religions Indostanicas of Amsterdam, at the Conference of Hindu communities in Europe Copenhagen, in the National Congress of the Yoga Teachers Association of Spain in Zaragoza, among other many participations in numerous events, developing workshops at congresses, symposium, etc. It has also developed numerous presentations and discussions, serves as an example the National Conference of India entrepreneurs in the Bombay Chamber of Commerce. In Japan, enjoyed resounding enthusiasm of the Japanese teaching numerous courses, lectures and meetings in one of the most relevant Buddhist organizations of the country called Kofu kuno ka gaku, in the cities of Matsumoto, Fukui-Ken, Kyoto and at the Centre of health of Maha-Yoga, Academy of Shira Kawa Masako in Tokyo and Matsumoto.

License To Equipment

It will have a monthly supplement. On the Tools cook another $ 1000 necessary to purchase and technical support in the form lamps, which cost between 300 and 1000 dollars more apex locators – up to $ 1000 for in-line clinics need viziograf. This, in essence, X-ray machine with a low degree of radiation, which allows you to read the image on the computer. Lacking such a device, you are risking a lot of crap tragic mistakes. Fill root canals without looking prior to the shot, is like going on a blind cornice. Maybe it'll be safe and sound, and maybe this will be your last step. So there is no choice – have to buy. Depending on the model it will cost from 9000 to 18,000 dollars Another mandatory item your purchasing Marathon – autoclave.

It is necessary for antibacterial treatment tools. Cost about $ 2000 Do not forget the refrigerator for medicines and sterilizers. On They will take another $ 1000 And, of course, all kinds of cabinets, chairs and other furniture. Nabroste another $ 1000 License To obtain a license, you must prepare the equipment for a specific list. How should learn standards of the sea. You must have a certificate of compliance for the equipment installed.

In the room all must be placed in accordance with the plan of bti. And do not forget about the regulations relating to the size of the room. If your clinic is large enough, it is necessary to provide a toilet seat and wait for visitors.

Seville Mobility

More than 1,000 experts in mobility meet in Seville during the 23 days to March 25, Sevilla will host the contest Velo, an international event on the bicycle, which expected the presence of more than 1,000 participants, all of them experts in sustainable mobility, from 80 different countries. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the experiences developed on the bicycle as a means of urban transport. Under the slogan the Cyclo’s life, plenary sessions, with dialogues between two speakers driven by a master of ceremonies, subplenarios, workshops and roundtables will be developed in this important international event. The pageant will be held in Spanish and English. Representatives of associations, institutions, social partners, universities, companies and politicians will be involved and participating sectors of this event.

Coated Electrode

WELDING FOR COATED ELECTRODE 0,35 MM 2 – MATERIAL USED the experimental procedure Mechanics was carried through in the Laboratory of Manufacture and for the accomplishment of the following equipment had been the same used: Material: Steel part 1020 and metalo Figure 1: Part/metalo Equipment: Weld machine 220v, 85A and 430C? Mark: Soldac 430C? Manufacturer: White Martins and Morsa of group of benches: 4 IN Appear 2: Weld machine Figure 3: Morsa Consumable: Electrode AWS and 6013? steel 0,35mm and brush Figure 4: Electrode Appears 5: Steel brush Tools: Pico Appears 6: Pico 2,1 – DESCRIPTION OF the PROCEDURE 1 step: Clothes of the Equipment of Individual Protection (Glove and apron in scrap and mask of weld with filter lenses). 2 step: To bind the weld machine (command key). 3 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 80A (1 step). 4 step: To execute test in two weld laces in a preparation material, being certifyd that the machine is adjusted correctly. 5 step: To fix the part (steel 1020) in morsa lined up with the metalo that will be made to the union, to stop with weld nugget the four sides of the part, with this the same one keeps the alignment.

6 step: To effect the root of weld constructing one filete I finish with the machine in the regulation of 80. 7 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through the root. 8 step: To remove the slag with ‘ ‘ Pico’ ‘ of the two sides. 9 step: To pass brush to remove the intent slag of the two sides. 10 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 120A for finishing. 11 step: To effect 2 step (finishing). 12 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through 2 step (finishing).

Positive Gram Coconuts

Positive Catalase, has formation of bubble on of plates, in case that I oppose is catalase negativa.3.2 Test of coagulasePosteriormente the Catalase became the test of Coagulase in all the colonies that had presented resulted positive in the test of catalase. This test has for objective to verify or not it presence of the Coagulase enzyme. This active enzyme plasma coagulation factors harvested with anticoagulating Citrate. The Staphylococcus aureus possesss this enzyme. After the preparation of a suspension from the colonies of positive Positive Gram Coconuts catalase, was incubou in microbiological greenhouse, aliquot of 200 l together with plasma barren of rabbit harvested with citrate for 24h 36C, in barren glass pipe. Ribeiro; To sound (2002), affirm that in case of formation of cogulo the bacterium in question is of the Staphylococcus species aureus.4 Test of NovobiocinSimultaneamente to the test of the Coagulase became fullfilled the test of the Novobiocina for all the coconuts positive gram-positive catalase. In case of negative Coagulase this test serves to differentiate the main not producing species of Estafilococos of coagulase.

This test was carried through becoming it sowing of the bacterium in question on a plate of Agar blood, assists with it of one swab barren. On this sowing a record of Novobiocina was placed and the plate was incubada in microbiological greenhouse for 24h to 36C. After this period of time was become fullfilled measured it of the inhibition halo, where this occurred. Levi (2004) affirms that the resistant samples show to zones of inhibition of 6 12 mm, and most sensible they present halos of 16 mm more or. Cepas of epidermidis Staphylococcus saprophyticus is resistant and of Staphylococcus they are sensveis.5 Identification of EnterobactriasAs negative Gram bacteria that had grown in the MacConkey agar, had been submitted the tests stops identification using itself the Kit for Enterobatrias of company NEWPROV.


Beyond these humilhaes that the people comes passing, he also appears the problem of super capacity, patients in the corridors of the hospitals due to stream beds in precarious situations running the risk to catch a serious infection in contact with hospital garbage, dirty bathrooms at last a total abandonment. The hospitals today are not giving more assistance that in human being we need this to them has that to finish! Its governing in general go to invest more in the health, education, sport and others are important, but the health also is, needs to have health to practise sport, needs to have health to study and for other ends. It has that to change this situation Brazilian we do not support more. This cannot continue cad the money of our taxes that are highest? For where it is going? They speak that they are repassing alone speak Bad will be that the repassed money this being same for these ends? Or this entering in the pocket of corrupt politicians or other tubares of necktie? They are these and other questions becoming vacant for air without no reply. Money rivers are being deviated and nobody knows you are welcome, nobody saw swims. All we need in them hospitals to take care of of our diseases and our families, we depend on these institutions to survive.

But as vocs politicians in general they gain stuffed wages, has highest plans of health they do not depend on public hospitals, they can pay particular, little they import for vocs itself we die in lines of hospitals or not. But this has that to move, trusts ours the vocs stops representing in them, to work and to bring in general optimum for our Brazil, to obtain resources for our cities. We go to raise this back one of the chair and to work of truth, to make to happen not to be alone in the promise. Governor goes to manage with more seriousness our money and our country, and to invest more in the health that this precarious one. We cannot more life in this abandonment, we are human beings we deserve respect.

Peter Hartmann

Problems with dams and tailings deepening in the aftermath of the earthquake, Peter Hartmann said that risks of mega infrastructure construction are each day demonstrated, even more so in a highly seismic and volcanic country like ours. Little has known about the overflow of water from Colbun Machicura plant return channel last Friday night, where 12 families were left homeless product of a tunnel which occurred due to the constant movement of latter-day recalled. He added that neither reported fully on the death of 4 people the day of the earthquake as a result of the tailing of a mining company that collapsed with the telluric movement, generating an avalanche and pollution in the area of Pencahue. The catastrophe that has occurred in Chile It must be an opportunity to get the best lessons to build a much more sustainable, fair and equitable country. Unfortunately we have seen once again that the main affected are the poorest, subjected to the inequity of an ill-conceived development model expressed, at the time that recalled that it is paradoxical to see that in the South-Central zone, where has always existed the best conditions to survive, when people there is this emergency has no water, food and energy.

And this is precisely because biodiversity has been razed to the ground, contaminated water, ecosystems destroyed. This added the tragic story that on the morning of Monday, metres from the dams of Endesa in the Alto Bio Bio, they not even recovering electricity. It is one pathetic symptom of our centralism. Finally, called on the new authorities have the political will of transforming Chile into a decentralized and truly sustainable country level environmental, social and economic, and not like this that proves that such a level of centralization and dependency is not the best bet we can make for the future. We privilegiemos energy development in the country, not the business of a few.

10 Ways To Extend Your Web

Successful websites extend their gains along the entire network and multiple ways either by exchanging links, creating strategic alliances or any means that will help expand the name of your Web site. Achieving so exposed in many places which becomes qualified traffic. This is an idea that we should copy to our website and that it will give us name and we will be recognized in the sector which we play. The method I want to explain in this article is the branching with extensions Web content and achieve change the point of view of many about the site and attract new prospects, but how to accomplish this? write articles: one of the most simple and known methods is the write articles related to the theme of the site and publish it in all possible places some ideas are sites dedicated to collect articles and good republish our articles there is that other users can copy that content and publish it on their pages and this is a free and effective source of getting links to our website, this type of sites there are many but as always the vast majority are in English. Desktop applications into viral mode: you can offer free distribution products such as for example the wallpapers, programs type calendars, etc.

This will bring visitors to your site, generating traffic. Build links list: one of the methods most ancient is the search for sites that are similar to yours in terms of products or content and request an exchange of links, although it is true that this method is quite laborious remains one of the most effective. Mark as homepage: offer the opportunity that your visitors mark your site as the home page or to be included in the Favorites in all your pages is a very effective method when we want our visitors to return to the site, today you get many reusable codes on the Web to fulfill this function. Electronic newsletters: remember visitors is important to keep them and electronic newsletters are a great way to accomplish this, looking for ways to get your email address from your website and send you information that is important for the visitor as articles, e-books, reports or anything that can capture the attention of this user back to your site. E-books: you can make an electronic book of the subject of your site showing how to do something in what you especialices and remember to always put the link to your website.

Forums: Another very common technique is the comment in blogs and forums on any topic and place the url in the signature of your page. Advertising offline-off-line: reinforce the name of your website through advertising offline is a pretty good technique though it is usually used by sites already well-established and quite profitable this generates an expense, some ideas may be print shirts and caps with the name of the site. CDs: Can offer cds recorded with the info of your products or items on your page since this will earn a reputation in the field of users who do not have of access to the network. And as last but not least we have blogs and RSS: with these tools will generate many links to your website without having to move a finger clear after having generated the same content if you offer quality information they will be many that use your content for your pages author: Cesar Pietri original author and source of the article

Subsistence Economy

But the strength of society is needed to improve and expand public services. Basic income in their joint share of benefits, which continue to occur and increasingly concentrated in fewer hands. To be the result of a social good, as is the scientific knowledge, a portion of these gains have been reversed in those who stay away from the economic process by the application of such progress. But, as we have said, to be a right of citizenship, extend universally to all persons. We say a party, because it is not correct to raise is it aborts as anti-capitalist by definition, when such wealth is it precisely that in theory would be combat. We would be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

It is a modification, which is transforming the current civilization and enables an evolution of society. The changes will be made depending on cultural, historical and personal factors, but from reality and the dialectic in every day. So we will have taken a significant step in the history of mankind. The function of labour is increasingly more sophisticated in certain collective. Far from pursuing subsistence focuses to accumulate assets. It works to have two cars, two houses and rent an apartment in summer, and maintain a standard of living full of lavish expenses. We are at the other end of the subsistence economy. However we continue focusing the economy at work, which is the foundation of survival. Once technological progress guarantees the overall survival of society employment should apply as a concrete measure instead of a generic standard way that progress is taken into account in the analysis of the political economy and applied it with new guidelines that are routed towards a new social concept. Happens so spontaneous, but is not seen by lack of a set of ideas that materialize it and strengthen it.

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