May 31, in Odessa the Church of Scientology at Pushkinskaya 44 was the celebration of the legendary book Dianetics, which was published May 9, 1954. In celebration was attended by about 50 parishioners with completely different views, for whose familiarity with Dianetics was a turning point in my life. At 16.00 was the official opening celebration, and guests got into the hall of ceremonies, which was decorated with flowers and red balls with the logo and the site of Dianetics. During the the next two hours parishioners watched a documentary about the enormous human victories over their pain and suffering throughout the world, as well as how lightning develops Dianetics with the launch of a new Dianetic seminar, held in August 2009. Each of the film showed a huge victory, which reach Scientologists around the world and how fast growing team of associates in all continents, are united one objective, formulated by L. Ron Hubbard: "A civilization in which there is no insanity, crime and war, where the able can prosper and where an honest man is free to rise to greater heights." It was especially pleasant to all know that the Odessa organization has made a huge contribution and takes the first places to provide Dianetic seminar in the world. After the film treats the guests waited in the large room where they could ask questions active parishioners and there in the bookstore to buy books, lectures and conferences of the outstanding humanist L. Ron Hubbard. Here, guests shared their impressions of the festival: I cheered up, and there confidence in the future.
Monitoring Security
Console security system requires a connection to the so-called CMS (Central Monitoring panel) of a certain security organization. The principle of operation of such a system is as follows. At detected unauthorized attempts to penetrate the object, alarm system sends a corresponding signal to the console. His statement takes an object and send a rapid response team. This method of protection property include a monthly subscription fee security firm. For its part, security agency guarantees the payment of compensation in case of theft or damage to your property.
Among the disadvantages such protection may be noted the arrival time of a rapid response to an object. Claimed to 5 minutes, not always the case. Traffic jams, transportation problems, just sometimes do not neglect can invest in 5 minutes, and we know that this time the robbers may be sufficient to get it right. In addition, the monthly fee often exceeds 1000 USD. So, before you fly security organization and execute a contract, we recommend you think hard and carefully examine all possible alternatives. A good substitute for a console can serve as a stand-alone protection alarm system. Autonomous alarm can no different from a system connected to the CSC. The only difference between the autonomous signaling, in that it informs about the alarming situation, not a security company, but directly to the owner, and already he decides how to proceed in any given situation.
Such a system can send messages and make calls to three or more numbers of mobile operators. Lack of license fee is the main advantage of the battery alarm. Autonomous alarm system, performing the same functions as the Console, allows more freedom of action. You decide what to do in case of emergency: call the police detail, rely on their own forces, or used by others, such as neighbors who live near the protected home alarm system. Recently, users often opt for stand-alone alarm. That, given the disadvantages of a console, it is justified.
There are a variety of woodworking tools. The most popular machines offered for sale by RAINS. These include: band sawmills, Format saws, vacuum membrane press, etc. Each of these machines is only intended for its specific task. – Sawmill Band Rainbow, Radial, MG and others are used for small sawmills and average power up to 12 m3 per shift. Sawing produced a band saw, rotating through two pulleys. – Vertical Format panel saw is used in small-scale and mass-produced furniture and joinery industries for the manufacture of furniture.
– Vacuum Newspapers are for lining door panels with complex relief panels and PVC films, furniture fronts by heating and by high-vacuum technology transfer films and natural veneers. – Milling machine cnc profiling – are designed for engraving surfaces of the parts and pieces of plane and 3D milling. – Four-planing longitudinal milling machines and other types of quadrilateral machines are designed to produce a passage for the finished product in the form of shaped or molded pieces planed for the shield, beam, etc. – Buy Edgebander need for wrapping straight and curved edges of furniture panels and semi-natural or synthetic bandpass rolled material. Many wood companies are already cooperating with the company and ReIns satisfied provided equipment.
Turkish Sauna
We are not novices – go to the baths on a regular basis, we love her and respect, so we were really confident that surprise us with something in the sauna actually impossible. Well, lie on the hot marble Turkish bath, sit in a Russian steam bath, take a steam with each other broom, delve into the cold baptismal font – that's great day was not wasted. But sometimes you want something more – caring, affection, new sensations, of total relaxation – a kind of oriental bliss in the style of "Thousand and One Nights." And what would bath was only for you and all the attention only to you – a normal human desire – to become the center of the universe. We had only just crossed the threshold sauna suite, sauna and dreams of happiness began to come true. We have not yet entered the steam room, and already was warm and cozy from the sincere smiles and warm hospitality … All of us wait, give a little look around – we slowed down our bath attendants, who cheerfully waving brooms actively touted us in a steam room. Looked around and … you get bored.
What a pity that we do not our friends. It would be good to come here a friendly company, relax, take a steam bath, a cup of tea or something a little stronger, play billiards, to torment each other performance of your favorite songs at karaoke. And then we both somehow got lost in the size and diversity of the sauna suite. But on the other hand is nice – here only we and all for us.
Olympic Sochi Ecologists
Environmentalists have first and foremost the victory of Sochi. At the summit of the Group of Eight to discuss global environmental problems. Oleg Mitvol checks prosecutors? Natural disasters in the world began to take place four times more often. The Vatican has developed a '10 commandments' for the protection of the environment. Global warming will turn females into males ancient reptiles. Review of the week from 30.06.2008 to 07.06.2008.
Environmentalists have first and foremost the victory of Sochi Environmentalists celebrate their first victory in the Olympic Sochi. After a long informational war for the abolition of the construction of Olympic facilities in a pear Range National Park near Sochi environmentalists got their way. On Thursday, July 3 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the need for transfer facilities of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics in another place. Putin noted that the building should be moved bobsleigh track, the Olympic mountain the village and water intake. No Place for environmental statement was made at a meeting in Sochi on compliance with environmental requirements in preparation for the 2014 Olympics. However, for some time, Putin has traditionally supported affair, discussing the transfer of objects, but not making any fateful first statements. Recall, previously reported that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, Greenpeace Russia and other community organizations repeatedly stated that the building in preparation for the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 should not lead to the destruction of valuable natural complexes of the Western Caucasus. At the same time to be built a number of Olympic venues to the most valuable parts of the Sochi National Park, including the buffer zone of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve (part of the natural World Heritage Sites "Western Caucasus").
Commercial Internet
BY-STEP PROGRAM Step 1 – Buy Internet access options, allowing you to view streaming video.Tsena issue: 500-700 rubles a month. Benefit: to sit only dialup autsaydery.2 the first step – Register online payment system WebMoney. Put on your wallet rather sredstv.Tsena question: up to several days to obtain a personal passport, money – 2.500 rubley.Vygoda: live dirty footmarks track for the arrival of money in their own iTV-proekte.3 second step – Pay a professional virtual hosting.Tsena question: up to 2-3 days, money – 300-500 rubley.Vygoda: keep the Strategic Level Upravleniya.4-Step – gets the script Commerce Internet plozhadki with affiliate programs and integrated services. Install, configure. The price of issue: 1.235 rubles and time – a couple vecherov.Vygoda: Marketplace accepts payments in various forms (WM, RuPay, Z-payment, etc.) sells – pin-codes to access the password-protected video and audio.5 th step – gets a script creating a ‘closed areas’ access to pin-code. Install, inspect rabotosposobnost.Tsena issue: 20-40 minutes, the money – 260 rubley.Vygoda: Cuts halyavschikov.6 the first step – be filled by Internet Resources pre-prepared content – text, graphics, Internet televizory.Tsena question: on your own – just your time. With an investment in the author’s video training courses – 910 rubles, with viewing on the pin-code, video courses on CD – 2.260 rubles + 2 konsultatsii.Vygoda: Self – save money. With an investment – saving time for more important and enjoyable zanyatiy..
Constitution Family
What is it? This is a legal system of your family. Yes! We must start with ensure that all together (the child's participation, children are a prerequisite) to develop a legal instrument. For example "The Constitution of our family." Do not be too much to philosophize. Enough to come up with half a dozen rules, but very significant and meaningful, which would reflect the rights and responsibilities of all family members. It is at this stage, the child gets acquainted with concepts such as laws, rules, rights and responsibilities and begins to understand the meaning of the Constitution, as the basic law. Once the basic law was developed, it must be printed, either on the big beautiful poster, which will hang in a prominent place (you can show any boldest imagination) or in booklet form, and better to do both.
Finally, be sure to hold the procedure for adopting family law in the form of a solemn feast, and then all together to implement or enforce its laws. Please note that this event is a long game, the main thing here is not to abandon the idea, and at the same time does not turn all into a routine. Once law enforcement becomes stable and normal for all family members can the next step. Step Two. Awareness of benefits and the need for legal knowledge. In the first stage of development of our future brilliant lawyer, we have worked with his mind. In the second step we turn to the senses, to the inner world of the child and fill it with positive images associated with the law.
It's no secret that getting a good position with the time it gets harder and harder. If before there is enough of a higher education, but now people are increasingly seeking just two or even three higher education. Apparently, and this will soon falling by the wayside. Now the most popular and demanded experts are those who are fluent in foreign languages (mainly English), but it is better to more. Or has a diploma, such as receiving education in England. These graduates tend to immediately get key positions in companies.
And it is not only famous name in the English university, but rather in the the fact of education in England. More precisely in its quality. Classical tradition of education in England are known to all. Also know that the system of training in universities is very different from Russian. Something to hide, Russian students are not disciplined, have low motivation for learning, listening to new knowledge, plastered on cramming more material than an independent search and research. Here, wine is not only students, but rather the organization of the learning process. The education system in England, allows you to create well-rounded individual with the skills of active self-image thinking.
Talented students Teachers say even at the stage of selection. On admission to the prestigious British universities for applicants are given a very peculiar and unusual questions. All the rigor of the education system in England is visible already at the stage of documents on university admissions. For example, in the Oxford admission student scores in basic subjects should only be higher, other candidates are not even considered. Every year in the prestigious British journals printed rankings of schools of education which increases the chances for admission to such institutions as Oxford or Cambridge. Thus, education in England – is not only prestige and status, but, above all, long work, nearly the entire period of training, ranging from preparatory schools and to university.
Division of Property
All property acquired by spouses during cohabitation, according to Ukrainian law, is their joint property, so the division of property in both spouses equal shares and rights to them. Often spouses without interference by themselves divide marital property (houses, vehicles, securities, jewelry, cash, etc.) But sometimes, without the aid of the court can not divide the property without unnecessary disputes. And then absolutely does not matter who earned the money to buy a car, or anyone decorations for the house during their life together. All property in any event will be equally divided between former spouses. In addition to the acquired assets under Divorce equally divided off all the debts.
In some cases, the court may depart from the principle of equal shares, for example, when children are living with a spouse. Under the division of property upon divorce does not get the property, which until marriage is the property of one spouse, or was given or received by inheritance during the marriage already. In this regard, it is recommended to keep documentary evidence that it was donated you personally, rather than family. Division of property upon divorce is not subject to wear and shoes of the spouses. Please note that the jewels are not the subject of clothing, therefore, subject to section two. Not subject to section things are bought for meet the needs of minor children (clothing, footwear, school supplies, etc.) All these things are transmitted in its entirety to one spouse, who will continue to live children. To avoid disputes and negative emotions recommend a lawyer. After all, an experienced specialist not just faced and solved similar situations, so know what pitfalls may arise in the division of property upon divorce of the spouses. And he knows how to divide property, so as not to have one of the parties did not raise resentment or anger at her ex-husband. After all, the future spouses still have to communicate among themselves, especially if they have common children.
Water Counters
More recently, in the cities, many people purchase water meters in order to save money on your water supply. Are both opponents and advocates of this trend. According to some, the savings is zero and the benefits of this do not get, given the cost of installing meters, while others urge that preserved a lot of money by installing the counters. On whose side the truth is still not easy, but let's try to do it. I think you first need to say, what are the water meters. They represent a special measuring instruments designed to track the number of water consumed.
It's no secret that there are many types of such devices, but to dwell on this detail is not necessary, because you can explain in detail all aspects of shop assistant. Before purchasing a water meter almost all are given the same question: "Will this new benefit?" I should say that the answer to this question can not be unambiguous. An elderly granny, spending no more than 2 cubic meters of water per month, buying a water meter not exactly hurt, but a large family is not always beneficial set accounting equipment. No less disturbing question that puzzles many, it sounds like: "Do not spoil the connection of water meters appearance of the premises?" You can almost say for sure, that the interior will not be crippled, as the counters are usually set in secluded places, and practically invisible. In any case, the counters can be hidden from view by a simple masking procedure Suggest what better to buy a water meter, I unfortunately can not but assortment is now huge and everyone will be able to pick up the equipment in accordance with their preferences. Experienced sales consultants will advise you the best option according to your wishes and budget. Thus, each is to understand that when you install the water meter must take into account many different parameters, so you can judge whether the installation of this equipment advantageous.