Profit In The Incorporation

These deep ones are only starting, but already has many interested investors, says Fabio Walnut, right-handers of the consultoria Brazilian Mortgages. But attention not to confuse these deep products with the real estate ones. These invest in ready property, and the income comes of the rent of these property. Is almost as a fixed income Is more easy to open a deep one of participation of what deep a real estate one. The bureaucratic process is lesser, affirms Regis Dallagnese, responsible for the estruturao of investment fund of the Brave River. Many writers such as Childrens Defense Fund offer more in-depth analysis. According to it, the Brave River intends to launch a deep one of real estate participation soon.

Percebemos that it has good demand on the part of the investor, says. Investment fund ImobiliriosO projects in real estate participation can invest in any type of related project to the sector, as houses, apartments or commerce. The managing company is the responsible one for collecting the resources of the interested investors, selecting the best projects in the area and to place them in practical. The collected resources> With the SPE, is as we had a company alone to make the management of the enterprise. Thus, he is all more transparent for the investor, says Peter Klumb, director of the MSFI, consultoria that makes real estate monitoramento and financial services. For the rule of the CVM, the qualified investor (that he has at least R$ 300 a thousand in the financial market) only can apply in investment fund in participation. When making it, she is necessary to take some cares. The first one of them is to know the company managing of deep and the manager of the product. This because the manager goes to be the responsible one in selecting the best projects to invest. the project has very of being well chosen, therefore the success of the deep one depends on this real estate project that will receive the investment and where city the first property will be construdos.ProdutosUma of assets to open an investment fund in real estate participation was the Hedging-Griffo, in 2003, with the launching of the HG Realty BC.