Although the intention in the construction of the fort was the repression to the contraband and, primordially to assure the ownership of the territory to the eves of the signature of the treated one to Idelfonso Saint (1777), the military there present age without expression, consisting of few canhonetas and very old equipment? two of which recently they had been recouped of the River Solimes and today decorate the quarter of the Command of Border of Exercito. Without a doubt that the military function was more symbolic than effective, being bigger part of the Portuguese to mark presence and to strengthen the beginning of uti possidetis for the construction of a line of blockhouses in the occidental confines of the colony of Brazil (AXE 1987 apud Notebook of the Public Competition of Tabatinga, 2006, p.1). Still with regard to the urban formation of Tabatinga through construction of forts, Moraes describes, Tabatinga is a Village of border between Brazil and Peru. It must to this circumstance the honor of being a military rank; but when it is looked at for the two or three small cannons in battery on the river, the house of taipa that it constitutes the rank and to the five or six sluggishly lying soldiers to its shade, has the right not to consider this blockhouse as formidable well. The Village, this situated one on a deeply excavated and cleft alluvium abrupt declivity in multiple directions, if composes in a dozen of houses in ruins in return of a central square. (MORAES, 2001, P. 82-83). Figure 02: Partial sight deTabatinga Source: Picture of Poul Marcoy, 1820 4,2 First urban formations of Tabatinga the first urban formations of the city of Tabatinga if must to the first seringueiros come of the valley of the river Javari in virtue of the fall in the prices of the Rubber, that is, in the first cycle of the rubber (1879/1912). .