Weight-Building Beverage

Weider mega is one measure for years to the most popular weight gainer building drinks for strength and bodybuilding athletes. al information. Continue to learn more with: Center For Responsible Lending. What is a weight gainer? A weight gainer is a dietary supplement which contains a specific blend of different carbohydrates and protein sources. The most weight gainer be enriched according to the manufacturer with other high quality ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals and/or herbal extracts to improve the functionality and absorption of the product! Who needs a weight gainer? Actually, every athlete who is in the construction phase has access to a weight gainer. But, the athlete must watch to what content he attacks. Roughly, you can give the tip that a Hardgainer like can rely on products with a high carbohydrate content (E.g. 80% carbohydrate and 20% protein). A Softgainer would build them needlessly to body fat, this should resort to a mix, providing E.g. 50% carbohydrates and 50% protein! A weight gainer provides very many calories, very interesting, what makes this product just for a Hardgainer.

The Hardgainer can lead to very many calories in light and wholesome manner! A weight gainer don’t solange saturates and provides many high-quality building materials. The least Hardgainer can take day by day as much food to that meet your calorie goal! One of the most popular weight gainer is the Weider mega mass. This is characterized by a particularly good taste and high quality ingredients. Weight gainer vs. protein drink? Both has its permission and neither can really replace the others! It must be what purpose you would like to meet and above all who would like to take this shake watched ever, and when the shake taken to (Hardgainer or Softgainer, bulking diet, evening or morning, etc.!) A true Hardgainer you can guess almost always exclusively to a weight gainer to access. When reaches this but its target number of calories a day, but still protein required, then also the Hardgainer should prefer to fall to a pure protein shake, this provides fewer calories. If the Hardgainer would try its protein target at this point through the weight-gainer this would lead to many more unnecessary calories and (mostly on the abdomen, many Hardgainer tend to the almost exclusive fat structure on the belly!) put in effect also on unnecessary fat How to fine-tune a weight gainer? Most manufacturers have fixed requirements, as your weight-gainer should be dosed. We recommend taking in the following way: when you are in the construction phase, then you should first determine your body type (Softgainer or hard gainer). According to your body type you should choose now a product which has been designed for your body type (the more tendency for the hard gainer, the product must contain more carbohydrates, to provide sufficient fuel for the building and the training!) You should now every morning a portion of weight gainer to take, we recommend the intake of 75-150 g weight gainer directly after getting up (depending on the construction more difficult, the more weight-gainer should be taken!). After your workout, you should consume the same portion again! Now you should check your body weight in regular sections and at the same time your mirror image! If you don’t, then take too little calories and carbohydrates to. You should now that increase amount of shakes or the serving size! In this way the procedure, until a success! Many athletes already had success with this method, because it represents a close look at your own metabolism!


The sports portal triathlet.de expands its network. Yesterday, at the February, a new partnership was fully restored between the multisport Center and triathlet.de. In the area of training support and control, the multisport Center will make in the future a large contribution to the success of the portal. “It what wealth of ideas for joint projects through new partnerships is generated amazing will.” said Christoph Schneider, co-founder of triathlet.de, “we have not expected an already now already steadily growing network of professional partners still at this time!” said Mathias Jung, also co-founder of triathlet.de. The Internet Portal won already four weeks after the launch including the University of Giessen, the rose Versand GmbH, as well as the AusdauerTrainingsZentrum Rhein-Main as a partner. This network is still growing now by the multisport Center. “Already in the yesterday’s meeting with triathlet.de and the University of Giessen was felt that already strong synergies to develop from this network!” reported Dirk Schmidt, Managing Director of the multisport Center and longtime Triathlon A license trainer. More you wanted to not tell but still at this time. It remains what is probably cast in the “triathlet.de kitchen” so further exciting.

Fantastic Conditions

On the first leg of the bike Transalp 2011 Weerberg ran everything according to plan: many spectators cheered on at the finish and the evening sounded off with the obligatory Pasta Party and a balmy summer night. It was on this stage of the 14th 95,55 km and 2.366 altitude cope CRAFT BIKE TRANSALP. The fastest on this leg drove 3 hours, 34 minutes, 52.7 seconds – the two Swiss Urs Huber and Konny looser. Very close behind ended up with the Bulls team 1 of the series winner Karl Platt (GER) and its French partner, Thomas Dietsch, with 3:34: 52.7. You had reason to the delight of many winners even when the organizers of the Karwendel silver region tourism association and the municipality of Weerberg with all volunteers. The plans were perfect and the implementation has been praised by the bike race Organizer.

Chairman Anton Gschwentner came to make an image locally and was impressed by the event. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger may not feel the same. Mayor Ferdinand Angerer was visibly pleased that the many Weerberger played well together. And Tourism Director Markus Schmidt also had reason to joy, could but the strengths of the region be presented the mountain bikers on a silver platter. Race Director Uli Stanciu expressed his praise to the region and dubbed the way over the Geisljoch as the best transition mountain bike across the Alps. Shark bike Karwendel silver region team success the team shark bike Karwendel silver region could fulfill their aspirations by the way: the mixed team succeeded in their evaluation group under the ten Andrea Tasser and Hansjorg Oberkalmsteiner were top in good shape already on the first day and pulled up with their shark bikes to 8th place. A mature performance for the ambitious hobby skiers who privately are a team. Photographer Wolfgang Ehn were close on its heels, so that there then is to see beautiful pictures in the report. Good mood on Sunday left the mountain biking the silver region Karwendel on the Geisljoch circus.

First with much panoramic view over the Lafasteralm and the Weiden hut. Nearly 70 kilometres with almost 3000 metres were on day 2 at the speedometer. Weerberg in the frazione Hausstatt was the band most Roadside and provided atmosphere. The younger Weerberger are armed with cow bells”came to cheer on. The silver region Karwendel silver region and Karwendel mountain range, these two names for one of the most exciting resorts of in Tyrol. The district capital Schwaz, today a small historical gem, was once the largest cities of in Austria, when silver mining in the middle ages reached its peak. Emperor Maximilian and the Fugger family resided here, nobility and rich citizens were creating art treasures, to admire to this day. for mountain bikers has to offer the Karwendel silver region 1000 KM bike routes with approx. 40,000 meters. To find the most beautiful tours, tour guide, which can be ordered free of charge. The same is available for hikers, where to find the most beautiful walks on 400 KM of hiking trails.

South Tyrol

With 4:26 ‘ 07 “trumped Celestino the record time of the winner in the previous year, Klaus Fontana, about 20 minutes. The latter has achieved today one seventh place in the race with start number. Among women has today the German Katrin Schwing Trek-Domatec team celebrated a great success; She earned the HERO route in 5:59 ‘ 09 “ab. Barbara Kaltenhauser won the second place in 6:12 ‘ 57 “and the third Anna Ferrari by the Elettroveneta-Corratec team in 6:20 ‘ 08”, which had prevailed in the past year. Wins the 50 km race of the 21 year old Stefano Dal Grande (3:04 ‘ 20 “) by the FullDynamix team and beats in the peers Argentines of German Dorhmann Manzano (team visit shark bike Semperlux) with a Zeitvorsrpung of 3’14”. Daniel Jung of South Tyrol from the team mountain heroes succeeded in with 3:15 ‘ 05 “to overtake third place; While he could improve not his second placing last year. In the 50 km race also the Jet were men of the Italian under the category hobby Alpin ski present: the world champion Christof Innerhofer (4:38 ‘ 54 “) to place 35, completed his team-mate Peter Fill (4:16 ‘ 19 “) on number 11.

The third Jet man of the Italian alpine ski, Florian Eisath, had to after a fall retreat to make the Brunecker hospital due to a severe abrasion on the elbow bandage is. Congratulations to the assessor for mobility and the economy of the autonomous province of Bolzano, Thomas Widmann, which according to the experience in the last year, the second HERO event on 28th at 4:30 ‘ 55 “completed. In the women’s race, Michela, Benzoni of Lissone MTB team won in 3:45 ‘ 23 “from Bergamo from the Bozen Andrea Tasser (team Sarntal wheel) with a time difference of nearly 15 minutes, followed by Kristien Nelen from Belgium by Scott Goeman Cyclim team. The race has now ended in the best way, our thanks to all those who have participated in event the HERO goes reports Peter Runggaldier, co-organizer in addition to Gerhard Vanzi from South Tyrol Sellaronda HERO first and foremost we thank the hundreds of volunteers, which have supported the organization with enthusiasm: without them. would it not possible. In this sense the further all partner clubs and the local institutions, such as the Turismusverband of Selva di Val Gardena, Val Gardena marketing and the Turismusvereine of Alta Badia, Arabba, Val di Fassa and Alpe di Siusi thank you. The next meeting is now in television: on July 5 at 21:30 h you can experience after the emotions of the race in one of RAI sport 1 broadcast summary.