The Elements Of Life Feel

Water, Earth, air and – fire! The seminar House Wandelhaus offers a cognition trip to the elements of life. The Wandelhaus summer workshop examines the basic forms of life “Felt” the elements”. The article is about the second day of the seminar on the subject of fire – the fire in the outside, as well as the burning of our heart. Fire: An item that our lives make so fundamental and virtually invisible in our modern time. Of course, we cook, use heat and energy, without getting even a flame to face. Learn more about this with Dr. Neal Barnard. Imagine a world without fire vor…was stays? We burn what and where we burn us? We have fueled the fire of life, that it warms us, gives us food, and in the darkness is light that guides us? Or we have exaggerated it and lost the feeling for our balance and stoking a fire that us sunk, spreading unchecked and out of greed for more whole forests destroyed? We were just lazy and have collected even no firewood, or have it be careless wet Let and have us satisfied now with the arduous back burner, we with Oh and Barney alive can hold? A medicine man of the native peoples of North America once said “Show me how you do fire, and I tell you who you are.”.

Elements workshop we learn in the fire sector comes in handy to light a fire with simple means, everyone as he likes, flint and Tinder or archaic fire drills. How warm we keep us in emergency situations and which laws of nature save our lives in relation to heat. In addition to material science and building a campfire, we see the fire especially as mirror of the soul. We ignite “Our” fire, beware and observe it, search parables to life, look at our Yes and our no, align ourselves and use the fire as a converter and teacher. In all weathers we sit at a common campfire on the land of the Wandelhaus, practice making fire and determine how we can ignite the power of own fire and use in joint exercises. Andre Langlois