Well Prepared – Better Presents

Preparation and research are the A and O are presentations today no longer indispensable everyday of working life. Often it’s the persuasive power of the lecturer, implemented a project, or an idea realised. Can be an 80/20 rule for presentations, which States that 80% of the success of the execution of the lecture and 20% of material, content and theme are dependent on. 20% are not much, but to achieve the desired 100% during a presentation, you need a good preparation. Formulation of objectives where’s it going? Before you start with the preparation, the objective should be clearly defined: it involves a product or concept (thing target)? To the presentation knowledge (information goal)? The presentation is starting point for action on the part of the listener (belief objective)? Who’s listening audience analysis? Equally important is the knowledge of the target group. What expectations does this? How is the knowledge and settings of the audience? Stand me neutral, positive or negative towards? Use all sources of information, for an optimal preparation: personal consultation, online research, press reports and market research studies provide a good overview. “Coherent structure of the red thread” the lecture is classically divided into introduction, body and conclusion. At the beginning of the presentation, the audience’s attention is the greatest.

The welcome, idea, the introduction to the topic, the mention of the topic and information includes the expiration. A strong entry provides for attention on a good entry point should be much value. It is well suited to a current or local reference. Also a start with an anecdote, a provocative thesis, or a quote, which illustrate the relevance of the topic, creates attention. Weighting of the content in the body of the body is the core of the presentation and more specific. The items should be grouped so that listeners absorb, retain and implement can.

A logical structure are important, a recognizable essence and three to five bullet points. A balanced weighting of content ensures that the public is aware. Usually there is more material than in the scheduled time can be accommodate. Prioritization helps to distinguish the essential additional information. “A core information statements with the highest priority-> must have” B = margin information-enhancing items (examples, comparisons, quotes),-> should have “C = background = relaxing posts (movies, slideshows, stories),-> nice to have” 1:100-rule “applies also to business presentations for live performances in the entertainment industry: 100 minutes of research, preparation and tasting is required for a strong, memorable appearance by a minute. A good conclusion for the lasting impression a striking conclusion that can contain views, appeal or a recommendation, is just as important as a good start. Applies to both: lift off! Striking images, a pinch of humor, a provocative vision, a good tip – all this contributes that stuck a presentation and its presenter in the minds of the audience. More information and many practical tips for presentations and their preparation, see our BEITRAINING seminar PPS (professional presentation skills) professional presentation techniques de /… The author, Joachim Berendt, is the owner of the training company in TRAINING SAARLAND business education international of regional training centre Saarland Unterturkheimer road 24 66117 Saarbrucken saarland