Experience the extraordinary planning and implementation the magical story to the a2haus in Bad Soden for decades was an old House on the Summit of a hill on a plot of fillet in the very best location in Bad Soden. Not especially attractive, it found no new residents. In particular the small footprint of 11 m x 10 m and low living – related and commercial area of 160 sqm prevented that a reconstruction and renovation could meet the demands of today’s well-off family. The alternative – demolition of the old and new building – was obviously not easy to solve, because had tried a variety of project developers and architects at this task for several years and had failed to the particular parameters of this land. The very narrow (width in the Middle only 11 m) and deep cutting of the land, combined with a strong slope were a problem area. The public supports that contrary faced the fact exorbitantly high value of the land, however, were much more significant.
The tip of the Hill has always been the citizens served as views of the surrounding area. The backup of this public interest years ago resulted in the creation of a development plan. In the same areas were drawn up, which were only storey to till and concentrically from the lookout outgoing arranged fan-like Visual axes were intended to leave that completely. So the above plot was left, that not nearly equal to the value of the land, that is to say, let no adequate development. At the end of an Odyssey of finding land a German family who lived at that time in England, had acquired now exactly this piece of land remaining for above reasons, to build up your home care. They were looking for a building and planning partner, who was able to develop an architect-designed House that comprehensive approximately 400 square meters of residential and commercial area for this difficult situation of design and in the classic modernist style and then also to implement to the lump sum fixed price for some time.